Chapter 214 Rest

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Jack and Becky waited eagerly for Bam and Lila to arrive. It had been quite awhile since their last visit and Becky was anxious to see Lila. The car pulled up the drive and let the couple out. Jack insisted on carrying Bam's suitcase.  "I'm not an invalid, Jack."

"Didn't say you were. Get your ass in the house and starting relaxing." Jack snickered at Lila as she followed them into the house.

Becky practically knocked Lila over as she hugged her tightly. "Oh my, you're pregnant again."

Lila apologized for not letting them know sooner. "I just told Bam and the family. I didn't want to get everyone's hopes up until I was closer to the end of my first trimester."

"She's full of surprises." Bam grumbled. He wasn't happy to have left behind so many unfinished projects.

"You both are in luck. Jack and I leave tonight to visit my family so you are going to have the place to yourself while we are gone. I stocked the fridge and I made Bam a chocolate cake." Bam managed a smile for Becky as she made a wicked chocolate cake.

"Jack will take your bags to your room Lila. Everything has been freshen up for your stay."

Lila thanked Becky. She was always so thoughtful and made their visits so comfortable and easy. "Jack pulled out the big chaise for Bam so he can enjoy the outdoor air while he's here."

Becky moved to where Bam sat and wagged a finger at him. "And you, young man, will follow the doctor's orders as well as Lila's. We don't want anything bad happening to you and you have a new baby on the way to think about."

Bam conceded and promised to take it easy. Becky and Jack left to finish their packing and to let the couple adjust to being home.

Lila got Bam situated on the chaise outside with a book and a blanket
while she unpacked their things upstairs. When she returned to check on him, he was sound asleep with the book on his chest. As much as he fought to put up a pretense that he was alright, he looked tired to Lila and she let him sleep longer. He missed the opportunity to see Jack and Becky off. Lila fixed a tray with dinner and carried it to the patio for them to eat. She nudged his shoulder gently to wake him up.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked.

"A couple of hours. You needed it babe. Your body and your mind needed the rest."

"Lila, I'm fine." He insisted.

Lila sat on the edge of the chaise and held Bam's hands. "I will not lose you."

"You're not going to lose me."

"Bam, you are the love of my life and to see you in that hospital bed frightened me and made me realize just how fragile life is. I don't know if I could go on without you and I don't want to ever find that out."

"Don't be scared. I'm not going anywhere." He tried to reassure her.

"You are my everything, my reason for living." He could tell Lila was concerned. She didn't particularly like talking about death. It made her nervous but he understood what she was trying to say. She loved him deeply like no one had ever loved him before. And he was thankful she cared so deeply for his well being. She was everything he could have asked for in a wife, an equal, a partner, a lover, and the mother of his beautiful children.

He pulled her onto his lap and she laid her head on his shoulder. They didn't say anything to each other. Having quiet time was a pleasurable change for both of them. Privacy and alone time was becoming a rate commodity in Browntown II. Just listening to the quiet was comfortable to both of them. Lila fell asleep curled up under his shoulder. He lay there thinking of the first time he saw her at the dance. He had been in love with her even before officially meeting her. He thought about all his blessings with a growing family, a good business, their new homes, and a new baby on the way. If he died today, he felt blessed for everything he had. He pulled the blanket over Lila and listened to the softness of her breath as she slept. He decided he would do whatever she and the doctor ordered as he wasn't finished falling in love with her.

Randy Travis-Forever and Ever Amen

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