Chapter 259 The Sisterhood

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Blue sat in front of Lila's dressing table putting on the last touches of her make-up. The room was abuzz with the chatter of women as they fawned over the bride. It was exactly how Blue hoped it would be. Having no siblings of her own, she relished every minute of the frenzy and the excitement.

Lila called the women to attention and spoke first. "Blue, it's tradition to do something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. And in keeping with that tradition, Jill has the something old."

Jill handed her strips of ribbon and lace all of which had come from the previous Brown brides' dresses. "We'll wrap your bouquet with this and we hope that your marriage will be as strong as all of ours."

Blue got a little teary eyed as she watched her future sister-in-law carefully wrap her bouquet

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Blue got a little teary eyed as she watched her future sister-in-law carefully wrap her bouquet. This gift touched her heart as now she felt a part of a tight sisterhood. Lila, Jill, Red and Lucy may not have been related by blood but they were bonded in ways real sisters never experienced. Today, Blue would join that sisterhood hopefully for the rest of her life.

Bird stepped forward next along with Rain and Ami. "We have the something new." Blue opened the pouch that Bird handed her and out spilled a dainty silver bracelet with an engraved heart with Noah's name on it.

" Blue opened the pouch that Bird handed her and out spilled a dainty silver bracelet with an engraved heart with Noah's name on it

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"We are trusting you with Noah's heart today. Cherish it always." Ami hugged Blue tightly. "More." Choking back tears, Blue had Rain help her link it around her wrist.

"I guess I'm next with the borrowed." Lila asked Blue to turn around and face the mirror as she placed a strand of pearls around her neck. "They belonged to my mother. My father gave them to her on their wedding day."

Blue's hand ran across them gently. "I couldn't."

"Yes, you can. Remember, you are only borrowing them for the wedding." Lila gave her a peck on the cheek. "You look lovely in them."

"Red and I have the something blue for you." Red handed her a small package wrapped in tissue paper. Blue opened it revealing a blue garter donned with touches of lace and tiny seed pearls.

 Blue opened it revealing a blue garter donned with touches of lace and tiny seed pearls

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"You can slip it on under your dress for later." Lucy giggled as she helped Blue slide the garter upwards to her thigh trying not to wrinkle her dress.

The emotions Blue felt were unexpected but welcome. She finally had a family and a large one at that. "All of you have made this moment perfect for me. I am so honored to join your family today. I only hope I make Noah as happy as he makes me."

Bam knocked at the door of their bedroom. "You ladies almost ready? I don't think Noah can wait much longer."

Lila opened the door letting Bam enter. He caught his first view of the bride as the women parted to each side of the room revealing his youngest brother's bride-to-be. "You look stunning, Blue. He may just pass out at the sight of you. He's so nervous."

"Can I speak with him before the service?" Blue asked.

"Oh no, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," chimed Rainy.

"I'll keep the door closed. I just want to speak with him one more time before I become Mrs. Brown." Blue felt a flurry of butterflies in her stomach.

"Ladies, if you please." He lead them out one by one. "I'll send Noah up."

Blue paced the floor waiting for him to arrive. His voice at the door was comforting. "You haven't changed your mind, have you?"

Blue's hand and face rested against the door.
"I haven't changed my mind. I just needed to hear your voice."

Blue let out a long sigh trying to calm herself. "Noah, I love you."

The usually reserved Noah pressed his forehead against the door that seperated him from her. He let out a deep breath, pleased to know she hadn't changed her mind. With his hand on the door, he replied back. "I will love you always."

Bear bounded up the stairs with his usual enthusiasm and tugged at Noah's arm. "Let's get a move on it. The minister is waiting."

Noah motioned him to leave before whispering to his bride. "Meet you at the altar."

"I'll be the one wearing white," she replied back.

"I'll be the one wearing white," she replied back

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Whitney Houston-I Will Always Love You

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