CHAPTER 210 Violet Skye

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Work on the permanent homes for the individual families began after the brothers decided a change in plans was needed. Instead of concentrating on one home, they would build all three at once which was an ambitious undertaking.

Matt recruited the assistance of his friend, Kenny, and his earth moving equipment to help clear the land for three houses. The brothers had since decided that doing all the work at the same time would be more efficient.

Once the land was cleared, building the foundations would begin next and in the weeks to follow that work was readily finished. The red cedar floors had been laid and framing the exterior walls was next. Matt had traded out a good bit of his stock pile of wood and Bam bartered the hauling of it to acquire all the windows for the three homes which was an immense undertaking.

As Red's due date drew nearer, Browntown II was beginning to look like a small subdivision in the lower 48. The brothers had designed the compound with all the houses facing each other with a green space in the middle for the kids to roam freely without their mothers fretting.

Although Gabe and Noah had not married yet, land was left available for them to build their homesteads. Everyone expected a proposal soon from Gabe but he still had not sealed the deal with Lucy. Gabe was not as rushed as Bear was into a marriage. He wanted Lucy to be very sure she wanted what he wanted because he was a forever kind of guy.  No one in his family had ever been divorced so he continued his methodical courtship dance with Lucy. Lucy already felt like a Brown wife although she did not hold the official title of being Mrs. Gabriel Starbuck Brown. For now, she was content being an 'honorary Brown' as Red had dubbed her. The wives were all gracious to her even suggesting that they could goad Gabe into a proposal but she preferred that he do things on his own timeline. Besides she already had him in her heart, her home and especially in her bed.

"Bear. Bear. Wake up Bear!" Red nudged his shoulder. "I think it's time."

"Give me five more minutes Rose." Bear pulled the covers up over his shoulder.

"Solomam Bear Brown!" Rose shrieked, grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it tightly as another contraction moved through her body. "Violet is ready to meet her daddy."

Bear flew from his slumber a bit dazed and confused. He was still exhausted from the excursion he had completed earlier in the day. Red remained calm as he scrambled to dress. "I have to call the family."

"Sol, I have already called Lucy and Gabe. He is going to the compound to tell everyone else."

"I'll call the clinic." Bear rummaged through the papers on the table looking for the number of the midwife.

"Bear. I have already called them."

An exasperated Bear stood with his hands waving in the air. "Then what am I supposed to be doing?"

Between contractions, Red grimaced at Bear and calmly replied. " Walk me to the damn clinic so I don't drop this baby on the bedroom floor."

He would do Rose one better and carefully scooped her up and carried her to the clinic. Most of the family had arrived as she was quickly prepped for her delivery.

The Brown women were always the most calm when it came to delivering a baby. It was the men who worried and paced the floor. For a family of men who hunted and butchered their own wild game, it was particularly funny to watch them in action when a baby was coming probably because Matt had been somewhat traumatized when he was forced to deliver Lila's twins. His account of the delivery always seemed to be more embellished as the years went on.

Bear was finally called to the delivery room to coach Red through the toughest part of the procedure. He may have gone into the delivery room with good intentions but as soon as he was asked to cut the umbilical cord, he passed out cold.

An exhausted Red remarked, "Yep, that's my extremely awesome bushman."

By the time Bear had finally come to, he found himself in a bed next to Violet and Rose.

"Hi daddy!" Rose turned slightly in Bear's direction so he could get a good look at his daughter as she suckled at her mother's breast. In keeping with his earlier reaction, he smiled weakly and passed out again.

"Is there something wrong with him?" The midwife placed a cold compress to Bear's head.

Rose shook her head no. "I think the idea of fatherhood is a little overwhelming to him today."

Rose asked if the rest of the family could be sent in to meet Violet. The midwife agreed but only allowed them to come into the room in pairs starting with Jill and Matt.

All the Pretty Little Horses Lullaby


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