Chapter 254 Watchful

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With his jaw clenched tightly and his confidence reassured by his wife once again, Bam made his way back to his office to finish the day's scheduling. He was still not happy with the arrangement and felt a slight resentment to his older brother for inviting in the danger to both their business and their family. Bam had always been conservative and thoughtful in his decision-making, a trait that at times his older brother lacked. As he stomped the mud off his boots, he heard the familiar voices of his youngest siblings. He found them perched on a rail giggling and signing to each other in their sister language as they watched Nato work. He could easily read their signs and wasn't the least bit happy with what he saw.

Whatever charm or magic Nato possessed, it appeared to work on the female persuasion of his family quite well. Bam, once again, could feel his ire rise as he called to his sisters in his most commanding voice."Birdy.
Rain. My office. Now!"

Both girls sighed as they waved goodbye to Nato and filed into their brother's office. "The mill is off limits to both of you as of today."

"But why? What did we do?" Bird asked perplexed at her brother's order.

"Are you mad because we came to meet Nato? Rain stood with her arms crossed, unhappy with receiving "orders" from her brother.

"This area is no place for girls. I don't want anyone getting hurt."

Rain smarted back. "You mean heart-broken."

Bam's eyes narrowed and his voice turned more serious. "Don't sass me Merry Christmas Kathryn Raindrop Brown. I am not in the mood for the games of teenaged girls with puppy dog eyes."

Rain knew immediately by the mere use of her full given name that she had pushed his buttons. She backed down immediately acknowledging his request with a short yes sir. She got his message loud and clear as he banished them back to the main house.

Bird pulled at Rain's hand motioning her to leave. They got a short reprieve as Matt entered the office.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Matt asked casually.

"We were just leaving," Bird meekly replied.

"Mr. Respect the Danger is on high alert." Rain left slamming the door behind her.

"Bam, what have you done now?"

"I will not have my sisters fawning like does in heat around your mistake."

"When are you going to let this go? He has no ulterior motives. He is not after your wife. He is not after my wife. He is just here to do a job."

"You keep reminding yourself of that." Bam returned his attention to his schedule. "And I will protect what's mine."

No Ordinary Love-Sade

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