Chapter 248 Dancing in the Past

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"Could you drive this damn boat any slower?" Matt huffed as he checked his watch. "If we are going to surprise the girls, you're going to have to make better time?"

"It's not a race and they aren't even expecting us to show up." Bam barked back. "You're the one that forgot the date in the first place and booked a run."

"I already apologized for that," snapped Matt as he ran a comb through his hair.

"Here, take the wheel so I can at least put on a clean shirt." Bam ducked below deck rummaging through what he had onboard. He was already pissed that he had to tell Lila he couldn't take her to the dance. He was even more pissed at the idea of she and Jill were going unescorted but he knew if he protested, she would think he didn't trust. For him, it was never a matter of trust. He knew how she felt about him and the feeling was mutual for her even after three kids. He was concerned about everyone else. The dance always brought in a huge crowd, both from the local Hoonah community but a few unsavories as well. Alaska could be a dangerous place for a woman and he tried not to let his imagination run wild.

"How about I get us a couple of drinks and we grab a table and catch up?"

Lila fanned herself with her hand. "Yes, please. It is a little warm in here." Nato disappeared to the bar and Jill took the opportunity to speak to Lila.

"What are doing?" Jill asked sternly.

"What do you mean?" Lila answered her with a blank stare.

"I remember you're married, right?"

"What are you talking about Jill?"

"Him...Mr. just seem to be a little enamored by him."

"Jill, really, he is just an old friend. You know...a first crush."

"Yeah, you remember that when 'Mr. Sexy' comes back. I don't think Bam would find any humor in this meet and greet."

"First of all, Bam's not here. And I think I am old enough to know what boundaries not to cross. Damn Jill, I thought you knew me better than that."

"You're not really the one I am worried about..."

By that time, Nato had made his way back to Lila's side with a beer and a mixed drink in hand. "Ladies, am I interrupting?"

"No. Not at all. Jill was just leaving." Jill eyed Nato carefully before excusing herself. She flashed her fingers at her eyes and then to Lila's indicating 'I'm watching.'

"She's not very friendly." Nato turned to watch Jill as she returned to their table.

"She has me on a short leash." Lila laughed taking the drink from his hand. With his free hand, he guided Lila to a quiet table in a far corner. He pulled out her chair before seating himself.

Lila fidgeted with the cherry in her drink. "It's really good to see you again. I kind of gave up hope of bumping into you. You ran off to college so fast and forgot about your home."

"That's not true, Nato. You knew my dad wanted me to take over his magazine."

"But you never came home."

"And you never wrote or called. Out of sight, out of mind." Lila countered his words sounding equally disappointed.

"Or maybe wrong place, wrong time." Nato answered back.

"Or wrong person." Her response was blunt.

Nato reached across the table and touched Lila's hand. His eyes locked with hers. "Never the wrong person. I think you were the one and I wasted that opportunity."

Lila pulled her hand back slowly from his. "That was a long time ago, Nato. I've grown up since then."

"Yes, you've changed a great deal. Smarter and more beautiful than I remember." Lila could have sworn he offered that compliment with the utmost sincerity.

"Nato, what are you trying to do here?"

"I'm just enjoying your company and regretting letting you go."

"Nato, I'm married. Happily so."

"Can't fault a guy for trying." The disappointment in his voice was evident.

"There is no try. It is my reality."

"Damn, Lila. I didn't even get the chance to try and romance you."

"And you never will, Nato. I have everything I ever wanted with my husband."

"One more dance, for old time's sake?"

Lila agreed. "One final dance."

Nato took hold of Lila's hand and waltzed her out to the dance floor as the band began to play a slow song.

Bam and Matt had finally arrived at the community center albeit over an hour and a half late. Matt quickly scanned the room and spotted Kenny. Bam followed him to the table noticing immediately that his wife was absent from the group. He looked at Jill and Kay and asked, "Where's Lila?" Jill nodded towards the dance floor as Bam turned to look in that direction.

The last words anyone heard from Bam were "What the hell?" as he took off in the direction of the man who was dancing with his wife.

LeAnn Rines-Your Cheating Heart

The Dance Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz