Chapter 257 Kings and Queens

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The date had been circled on Noah's calendar for what seemed an eternity. All their grandiose wedding plans had been tempered into a more intimate family gathering. Blue had no family of which she spoke and Noah was happy either way, a small or large service didn't bother him because he was finally going to marry her.

He had spent the last few weeks with the help of Gabe, Bear and Nato building what seemed like a stage but really it was the foundation for their future home and would serve as the platform for their service. There was something special about being married on what would be the site of their future home. He was finally able to give her something she didn't have...roots upon which to grow.

Nato had been on his best behavior keeping a wide berth between himself and Bam. Lila, on the other hand, was a different story. Her confrontation with him weeks ago only confirmed what he already thought he knew at least in his own mind. He came to Hoonah for her. Nato watched her just as carefully as Bam did, studying her every movement when he had the occasion to catch her walking across the Browntown compound or when something necessitated her coming to the mill. Seeing her with children that could have been his if he hadn't been so stupid when he was younger only made his want of her deepen. He hated having to work so near the man who took her to bed every night. His jealousy and envy poisoned his every thought of her and how empty his life had been. Even his disaster of a marriage was haunted by her. His wife always felt that she didn't have his full attention. He tried to deny it but when he heard Lila had returned to Alaska, it was like setting off dynamite. His wife had refused to be a third wheel in their relationship, giving him an opportunity to pursue her. What had gotten lost in his plan was that Lila wasn't a willing participant. Her life had moved forward with Bam and a family while his life stayed rooted in the past. And as with all bad plans, this would be his downfall.

"Blue, please hold still. I can't possibly make these alterations if you keep fidgeting." Jill carefully pinned a few spots as her boys ran underfoot.

"She looks like a princess, doesn't she boys?"
Jill smiled as the boys stopped chasing each other around momentarily. They gave their mom an A-Okay sign and returned to their chase.

Matt walked through the door catching a glimpse of Blue standing in her wedding dress. "Now that is a vision of loveliness. Oh, and you look beautiful too, Blue."

Jill shook her head as Matt stole a kiss missing the pins she held between her lips. "Thanks Matt. You really know how to make a gal feel special." Blue smiled asking Jill if this is what she could expect from married life.

Matt chuckled at her question. "Think of us as the standard and then take a left turn. My baby brother couldn't be more opposite than the rest of us."

"Pay no attention to Matthew. Noah is just as lovely as his brothers. He just has more, shall we say, intellectual interests. You have nothing to worry about Blue because we can tell he is crazy about you."

Jill finished pinning the dress and let Blue change back into her regular clothes. Lila knocked at the door and let herself in as Blue reappeared.

"You're just in time Lila. I was beginning to think you forgot about our shopping trip."
Jill threw her sister-in-law a cheshire cat grin.

"Shopping?" Blue questioned.

"Yep. We have a Brown wives tradition and it is only fitting that you partake in the experience as did each of us." Jill giggled and shot her husband a particular funny look.

"The Brown wives tradition. Ah, yes, an experience you will never forget and neither will Noah."

Blue looked at her future in-laws and chimed back, "Now, I'm afraid."

Matt couldn't resist the one liner. "Be afraid! Be very afraid!"

"Matt, you got the boys the rest of the afternoon, right?"

"For the look on Noah's face, I would watch all the kids."

Lila and Jill looped their arms through Blue's arms and led the way straight into town and straight into the only adults only store in town.

Blue squeezed her eyelids tight as Lila and Jill navigated their way to the small sexy lingerie section in the back of the store. "You can open your eyes now."

Blue was not by any means prudish but the thought of waltzing through the only adults only store in town seemed a little unsavory especially since most of the locals knew she worked as the librarian for Hoonah's small library.

Lila rummaged through the selections trying hard not to laugh as she held up various skimpy lingerie while Jill nodded her approval and Blue frowned with disapproval. It was only a matter of time before she hit upon something that even made Blue smile. Hopefully, it would make Noah smile as well.

 Hopefully, it would make Noah smile as well

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Mat Kearney-Kings and Queens

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