Chapter 224 Changes

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As Noah delivered all the Brownies back to the main cabin, Jill and Lila couldn't help but notice the extra spring in Noah's step. Jill and Lila exchanged glances and Lila took the lead asking Noah if he found anything interesting to check out from the library.

Noah casually replied, "Nothing particularly interesting but there is a new librarian."

"Oh, a new librarian?" Jill mused. "What's she like?"

"She's not like any librarian I've ever known." Noah pulled out the flyer for the mixer on Saturday. "She's invited me...I mean us to the mixer in case you want to go."

Lila and Jill liked to play with the usually reserved Noah. "Is she pretty?"

Noah replied trying to act nonchalant. "In a pixie sort of way."

"Pixie sort of way?" Jill frowned. "Does that mean she's cute?"

"I wouldn't call her cute. More like she has fairy qualities."  He responded.

Lucas watched his uncle banter with his mom and aunt over the qualities of Ms. Blue Harper. "Mom, she's hot and Uncle Noah likes her. Now can I have some chocolate chip cookies?"

Noah raised an eyebrow and gave a smirk to his sister-in-laws. "Now I see what you two have been up to? Matchmaking again?"

Lila looked at Jill and asked most innocently, "Who us?"

Noah wagged a finger at both women.
"I am perfectly capable of finding my own girlfriend."

"You know it's always helpful when you have a wingman or two." Jill nudged Lila. "Maybe we could go to the mixer with you? We could be your wingmen. After all, we're four for four."

Bam and Matt burst through the front door with the news that the houses were ready for move-in. "You two need to put these girls in check." Noah pointed at Jill and Lila. "And this time, they have underage accomplices."

Lucas lookd at his dad and blurted out. "Uncle Noah likes a girl."

Matt laughed and slapped Noah on the back. "Congrats bro, it's about time you noticed a girl instead of a book."

Jill shared the news and tried not to giggle. "She's the new librarian."

Bam asked, "Does she have a name?"

"Ms. Harper. Ms. Blue Harper." Noah answered back.

"And we've all been invited to the library's mixer on Saturday night." Jill heard an audible groan come from Matt.

"Can I volunteer to babysit?" He asked winking at Bam.

"Dude, I want to go. Noah and a girl? I've got to see who has caught the eye of our baby bro."

"Good choice." Lila popped a kiss on Bam's cheek.

"Now I have two wingmen and an entourage. I give up!" Noah threw his hands in the air. He wasn't accustomed to his love life or lack thereof being center stage.


The pace of work was accelerated as the family gathered for final move in day. Matt and Jill were thrilled to have a larger space. With two growing boys and plans for more, Jill was relieved to leave their cramped space although that little apartment held such special memories for both of them. The sculpture that she and Matt had made together from their early dating days was placed on their mantle as a reminder of their love.

Red and Bear were thrilled to have a new place to call home and a room for Violet that they could call her very own.

Gabe and Lucy watched the celebration of their family. "Our house is going to be built over there." Gabe pointed out a section of property that was already staked off.

"I like that we will build next spring. It gives me some quality alone time with you." Lucy grabbed Gabe's rear and playfully squeezed it.

"Don't start something you can't finish, babe." He whispered in her ear.

"Gabriel Brown, you should be ashamed of yourself!" Lucy felt a tinge of blush hit her cheeks at Gabe's suggestion.

"Like your not interested?" He teased her.

"Come on, your family is calling us over." Lucy pulled him in the direction of Matt's house.

Matt stood on the porch gathering everyone around. "Now that we are finished with our construction project, we have a surprise for Noah." Noah couldn't fathom what the surprise could be. Matt threw him a set of keys.

Noah caught the keys and asked what they were for. Jill piped up. "They are to the apartment over my shop. We thought you might like a place of your own...just in case."

Noah tried very hard not to smile but the eldest couples knew it would be a good move for him especially if he and a certain librarian would hit it off in the future.

With the arrival of fall in Hoonah, change was in the air again for the entire family and the youngest Brown brother's world would be forever impacted.

One Direction - Night Changes

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