Chapter 309 True Colors

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Jill stood in the center of the room which would be the nursery for their next child. She held a sample of colors in her hand trying to decide what to put on the walls. A soft yellow would keep the room bright and airy but green was Matt's favorite color and she tended to lean towards that shade as it was rather gender neutral. She and Matt had decided that they wanted to be surprised at the birth after all, they were surprised over the conception.

Matt and the boys had finished freshening up the crib with a purposeful white paint and carried it into the room to assemble. "Mom, have you picked a color?" Colton asked looking at the various sample shades in her hand.

"I can't decide, Colt, if I like the green for this room."

"Paint it blue and call it a day." Colt was matter of fact over the issue of color.

"Your mother gets to pick whatever color she wants. She is the artist in our family." Matt slipped his arms around Jill's waist resting his head on her shoulder. He sensed her indecision as she held up every color to the wall again.

"Decisions. Decisions. Hopefully, when it comes time to name this baby, we won't have as many problems." Matt rubbed his hand over his wife's burgeoning belly. After the difficult year they had, it was hard for him to believe he was here with her feeling more sober, more honest and like the man he always intended to be.

"You've been thinking of names?" Jill turned in his arms to face him.

"I've been kicking a few around in my head."

"Going to share them with me?"

"Not just yet," he replied playing with the buttons on her shirt.

"What color do you think we should paint the walls? Do you like this shade of green?" Jill pointed to a pale green that seemed to work well with the northern exposure of the room.

Matt was silent for a moment before he spoke. "Pink. I think you should paint it pink."

Jill was surprised he even suggested the color. "Matt, we don't even know what we're having."

"Well, I'm having a girl. I don't know what you're having." Matt beamed at the thought of a daughter and he was confident in his pronouncement to his wife. Matt loved both his sons deeply but the prospect of being a dad to a little girl just tickled his imagination. Both boys groaned at the mention of a girl.

"Ahhh, come on guys, a little sister would be a great addition to the family." Matt grabbed his sons' heads and mussed their hair. "Mom would have her mini me and I would have a little princess."

The brothers trudged out of the nursery grumbling over the prospect of a girl in the family. "I don't think they are much into the idea of a sister."

"They will grow into it. Now, how about you and I drive to the hardware store and you can dazzle me with how many shades of pink there are?"

Pink-A Million Dreams

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