Chapter 241 A United Front

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"Joshua," Lila placed a breakfast plate in front of her husband.

"Uh oh, my formal name. I'm in trouble, aren't I?" She turned to look at him as he woofed his breakfast down.

"Do you remember how hard it was to keep your family out of our romance?" She took a sip of her tea as she leaned against the kitchen counter.  "Do you remember how precious alone time was for us? Have you forgotten how incredibly important that was?"

Bam smiled thinking back to the time he stumbled upon the awkward encounter of Gabe with his partially dressed girlfriend when she stayed with him at the trapper shack. "What's your point, princess?"

"I'm not going to keep asking you to lay off Noah. Last time or else."

"Or else what?" He knew his wife was pretty strongwilled and when she set her mind to a task, she was relentless.

"Or else, your moving into Jace's room." She wasn't smiling, nor did he thinking she was joking.

"Baby, you wouldn't?" He stood up and walked to where she stood, wrapping his arms around her pregnant waistline.

"I would and you know it." She sounded firm in her resolve until his head dipped to nuzzle her neck.

He whispered in her ear, "You would get awfully lonely in that big bed."

Lila pulled away as he tried to tempt her resolve. ""I mean it Joshua. You and Matthew need to quit riding Noah so hard."

"Please tell me you and Jill haven't tagged team on this issue."

"Girl power, babe. We like Blue and she's a good fit for Noah. Talk to your brother or you and he will be suffering from a very long drought in the bedroom."

"Damn, you Brown women drive a hard bargain." He stole a kiss and headed to the build site of Gabe's future home.


Matt was already at the site putting the last touches on the sketches for Gabe and Lucy's home. 

"Where's Noah?" Bam barked at his brother.

"I was just about to send Bear and Gabey to get him." Matt replied.

"Don't bother." Bam responded looking over Matt's designs.

"Huh, why not? We need him to calculate how much timber we are going to need with the changes Lucy and Gabe suggested."

"I've....I mean, we've been ordered to cut him some slack in his personal life. And if you're wife didn't tell you, mine communicated that message loud and clear."

Matt chuckled. "Oh, so that's why I got the ice princess treatment last night. I thought I forgot something important like our anniversary."

"So what's the plan?" Matt asked setting his work to the side.

"I guess we just need to cut him some slack at least until the Brown women are happy again."

"Dude, the faster the better. I don't think I can go more than a week without...."

Bam cut his brother off. "Too much information, bro."

Noah looked at the clock next to Blue's side of the bed. "He fell back on the pillow with a thud. "Damn, I've overslept again."

Blue snuggled closer to him stroking her hand across his chest. "Go back to sleep baby. You have the day off."

Noah moved to get out of the bed but Blue pulled him back towards her. "Noah, you're off today."

"I have to go. Bam will be sending out the Brown brother posse to get me."

Blue propped herself up on her elbow. "There's a new sheriif in town."

Noah arched an eyebrow at her. "What have you done?" He asked with a sense of curiosity.

"Let's just say I pulled a couple of aces out of my pocket."

Noah shook his head. "You trumped my brothers with their wives, didn't you?"

As innocent as she looked, her smile belied her deeds. "Hmmm....maybe I had a little help."

Noah laid back down next to her. "You know, you really are an amazing woman."
Blue nodded in agreement. "So we really have the whole day to ourselves?" Noah was pleased at the thought of the alone time with her.

"And what would you like to do today?" Blue fiddled with his hair brushing it behind his ear.

He thought for a minute before she felt his weight on top of her. He answered thoughtfully, "You, only you."

Twenty One Pilots-Can't Help Falling In Love

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