Chapter 206 Change of Plans

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"Bam, you look tired. Why don't you call it a night?" Lila rubbed Bam's shoulders resting her chin on the top of his head as he worked on sketches for the family's new home.

"There's still so much to do. Well, the good news is Rain and Bird can now have separate rooms."

"Lucy told me the news. It's a good thing for she and Gabe. None of you are getting any younger and you know all of us Brown wives like her. She's a good fit for the family and hopefully she and Gabe will find their way to a marriage."

"Hopefully so." Bam pulled Lila around to his lap. "Are the kids asleep?"

"They are all tucked in for the night now and you have my undivided attention." Lila playfully kissed him on the forehead commenting on his furrowed brow. "Those worry lines seem deeper." She ran her finger across his forehead.

"Let me show you the adjustments I've made for our home." He rustled through the papers on his desk unfurling his designs. "I've added a space for you for an office and studio so you can either get back to magazine work or keep working on your photography. What do you think?"

"A space all my own?" Lila giggled. "A no kid zone." She was delighted that Bam had carved out more space for her.

She pointed to the rooms on his sketches as he told her what each room was. "I'm giving the kids their own rooms. They are getting bigger and are going to need more space soon." Lila agreed as her finger moved room to room.

"What do you think of it?" He asked hoping to secure her blessing on the space he created.

"I like it..." She paused...."but where are we going to put the new baby?"
The words didn't quite register with Bam at first. Lila stroked his face with the back side of her hand. "Joshua, where are we going to put the new baby?" This time he understood what she said.

"We're going to have another baby?" His furrowed brow disappeared and a smile formed across his face. His tired eyes now reflected his love for her.

"Yes, Joshua, you're going to be a dad again."

His hand moved to her stomach as he asked how far along she was.

"I'm about eight weeks now."

"How did I not notice?"

"You've been a little preoccupied."

"Obviously not to preoccupied." He thought for a moment counting the weeks back in his mind.

Lila watched as the memory of their rendezvous in the office clicked. "Are you kidding me?" He asked almost blushing at the mere thought of that night.

Lila twisted a strand of his greying hair around her finger. "There may be snow on the rooftop, but babe, you can always light my fire."


The Dance Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें