Chapter 322 The Interruption

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"Takes a little getting used to. I remember my first family dinner." Blue smiled at Joe having sat through the overwhelming experience of a Brown dinner herself only a year ago. "I'm Blue by the way. Noah's wife." She pointed at her husband across the table.

Joe passed a large bowl of potatoes to her and asked, "Is this a nightly thing?"

"Oh goodness no. Just once a week. Ami and Billy like to keep tabs on everyone. The family has grown tremendously now that all the brothers are married."

"That's a relief to know. I wasn't sure if this was an every day thing."

Bird sat nervously next to Joe and watched as questions were tossed to him from every side of the table. He did a good job in fielding all of them except the one from Rain which caught both of them off guard.

"Are you going to relocate to Alaska?"

The table fell silent with all eyes transfixed on Joe and Bird. Bird fidgeted and Joe slipped a hand under the table finding her hand and squeezing it. "I am almost finished with my program of study. I don't have any firm plans yet but there's plenty of reason for me to come back."

Bird felt her cheeks tinge pink as he tightened his hold on her hand. It wasn't a no but it wasn't a definitive yes.

Ami quickly changed the subject to the impending pregnancies of Jill and Lucy. "Jill, how have you been feeling?"

"I'm fine, Mom. Just a little more tired then usual."

"Matthew, you and the boys are helping Jill out, aren't you?"

"Yes, Ma. Whatever my princess needs, she gets. She's carrying precious cargo." Matt patted Jill's belly. "She's got my baby girl in there."

"Have you agreed on a name?" Billy asked still hoping that one of the future progeny would be his namesake.

"We have kicked a few names around. Jill still thinks this baby will be a boy. I'm pretty sure it's a girl. It is still up for debate."

"And Lucy, how have you been?"

"Not so good Mom."

Gabe chimed in. "She's had a lot of morning sickness." Gabe had been worried at how ill his wife had been but his brothers had assured him that her symptoms were not unexpected. He tried every morning to be attentive to her needs until she overcame the morning sickness. He felt a little guilty in putting her into this state but only for a moment until he imagined holding his first child. It was a small price to pay for such a juge future payout.

"That's to be expected dear especially with the first one. Try some crackers before you get up in the morning. Gabe, I think I have an extra box in the cupboard."

"Sure thing, Ma." Gabe put his arm around Lucy and hugged her.


After dinner, the couples broke up into smaller groups as the kids gathered to watch their uncle Noah perform magic tricks with his lovely assistant, Aunt Blue.
Joe and Bird disappeared outside to escape the ever watchful eyes of her brothers.

"There's not much alone time in my family."

"By the looks of all your nieces and nephews I can only assume someone's been getting busy."

Bird giggled as that obviously had not been an issue for her parents either, considering she was one of seven.

"You look pretty in the moonlight." Joe brushed a strand of hair behind Bird's ear. She dipped her head breaking eye contact with him.

"You do know how pretty you are?"

Bird shrugged. "Those aren't words I hear very often."

"You should hear them all the time." Joe lifted Bird's chin with his hand and moved closer to her face. "May I kiss you?"

Just as Bird was about to commit to the kiss, she heard her brother clear his throat. Matt exhaled a puff of smoke and stepped out of the shadows. He quickly extinguished his cigarette.

"Matt!" Bird squeaked his name out. Her frustration was evident.

"Sorry girl. Just had to burn one. Don't tell Jill."

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