Chapter 310 Fathers and Daughters

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Lily peeked over the top of crib and studied the face of her new baby sister. She was pink and tiny and slept all day. Lily reached her hand through the slats of the crib and stroked her sister's cheek. "Daddy, why is she so little?" Lily peered up at her dad inquisitively.

Bam searched for an answer she would understand. "You know how you like your bread slightly toasted and you push the button on the toaster early." Lily nodded. "Delilah is kind of like that toast. She just came into the world a little early."

In her child-like manner, she smiled and returned to studying her sleeping sister. Lila rounded the corner with Gypsy in tow. "How's our new addition doing?"

Lily skipped past her mom and exclaimed, "She's slightly toasted Momma." Bam laughed as he watched his oldest princess disappear to other parts of the house.

"Toasted? I'm afraid to ask. Something tells me when it comes to the birds and the bees talk, you might want to leave that discussion to me."

Bam groaned at the idea of his daughters growing up. Having been one of five boys, he now regretted what he remembered from his years of chasing skirts. The thought of a boy ever calling on one of his daughters made him grimace. Lila playfully goaded him. "Just remember, I was someone's daughter once too."

He slipped his arms around her waist squishing Gypsy in between them. "See these gray hairs woman." Bam tossed his head back. "You have put them all there."

Lila tangled a hand in his wild mane as Gypsy followed suit. "And all this time, I thought they were wisdom highlights."


Matt and Jill surveyed their handiwork. With Matt's encouragement, she had selected a light shade of pink. "I think it needs something else." Matt twirled around looking at all four walls pondering what to do now the walls were freshly coated.

"A mural. I think you should paint a mural."

"Really? What do you see in that wild imagination?"

Matt rattled off a list of suggestions including ponies, butterflies and kittens. "Anything you paint, I will love."

Jill snatched the pencil that rested behind Matt's ear. She began to sketch something on the barely dry walls. She toyed with the idea of something that reminded her of her southern roots.

"Feeling inspired?" Matt asked trying to figure out what her pencil sketch would reveal.

"You always inspire me Mr. Brown. Now run along and leave me to my canvas."

"As you wish."

All of the Stars-Ed Sheeran

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