Chapter 235 Kiss Me

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Jill and Red had gathered the Brownies for story time at the library. It was an excuse for them to visit with Blue and find out just how serious her intentions were with Noah. Everyone knew Noah was exceptionally private with his personal affairs. Outside of Blue, no one in the family could actually recall Noah ever introducing a girl to his family.

Blue was tickled to see the Brown children as they each bombarded her with hugs and eagerly vied for her attention. She quickly gathered the pack and escorted them to the reading room to enjoy storytime with one of the library's volunteers.

Jill and Red poured themselves a cup of coffee as Blue joined them for a short break from reshelving books. "Ladies, what brings you to town today?" From her short encounters with the Brown wives, she had learned they usually didn't mince words.

Jill took the lead. "All of us are happy to see Noah has taken such a fancy to you."

Blue smiled into a long sip of her coffee. "He is quite the gentleman," she replied.

"Yes, he is and we would like you to remember that. He has a tender, but somewhat naive heart." Red leaned closer to Blue placing her hand on Blue's knee. "We want to make sure you feel the same way about him."

"Does Noah know you are here?" Blue asked in a questioning tone.

Jill and Red exchanged glances. "He doesn't. Is that a problem for you?" Jill never broke eye contact with Blue.

"Not a problem for me. As a matter of fact, I think it is rather adorable that you want to know my intentions. I get it. I can see how close your family is. That's not really something I've ever had." Blue sighed, "Please don't think of me as an outsider. I like Noah a great deal and I adore all of your children." Blue nodded in the direction of the reading room.

"That's good to know. Maybe one day, we will call you sister."

Blue's melodic laugh echoed through the library. "If Noah continues at his pace, the kids will be teenagers before that ever happens."

In true sister fashion, Jill and Red offered to help push Noah in that direction, a point not lost on Blue. She respected all the Brown wives having heard their personal romantic stories from Noah. In some ways, she already felt like part of the family even though Noah was taking baby steps in their burgeoning romance.

"We're having a family dinner tomorrow night at the bakery. Nothing fancy, just pizza night. Are you up for another dinner with the wolfpack?" Red nudged Blue. "Noah will be there."

Blue cracked a smile. "Can I bring anything?"

"Just your beautiful self and maybe a book to read to the kids after dinner."

"Perfect. I can handle that assignment."

As the family gathered the next evening at the bakery, Red and Lucy pounded out pizza dough while Gabe and Bear fired up the pizza oven. The bakery was filled with family chatter and special requests for toppings. The  chatter was broken by the tinkling of the bell over the bakery door.

A mini wolfpack descended on Blue as she stood in the doorway smiling down at the welcoming children. She stooped to their level giving each one a hug.

Noah turned to see Blue, unaware that his sister-in-laws were behind the invitation. He was happy to see her and from the look they exchanged, everyone else knew it as well. "Can I take your coat?" Noah offered as he helped her out of her jacket.

Jace, Colton and Lucas spotted the book in Blue's hand. "Blue, did you bring us a story tonight?"

Matt interrupted. "Lucas, that's Miss Blue to you."

"Yes, sir." Lucas apologized to Blue. "I mean Miss Blue." Blue ruffled her hand through Lucas' curls. He looked like a mini version of his dad with the same blue eyes sported by all the Brown men.

"I did bring a book. I think it is one that even your cousins will like. It's called 'Arabian Nights.' It is set in Persia with magic carpets and genies."  Blue handed the book over to the boys to look at while she was greeted by Billy and Ami and the remainder of the clan.

Noah walked her to the kitchen. "Yum! Something smells delicious in here." The foursome of Red and Bear and Gabe and Lucy were excited to see her. Of course, Gabe and Bear started with the teasing about Noah having date night with the family. Blue took their good natured teasing as a sign that they were all feeling more comfortable with her as a potential partner for Noah.

Bam and Lila rounded up the kids getting them properly seated next to their parents as Gabe and Lucy began tabling the pizzas. The entire family could put a hurt on some pizzas, the brothers almost consuming an entire pizza by themselves. Once settled, Billy offered grace and in an unusual move, he mentioned the addition of Blue to their dinner table. Noah squeezed Blue's hand under the table and she felt perfectly at home.

The family made a wasteland of at least a dozen pizzas by Blue's count. No sooner had the table cleared, the Brownies pounced on Blue requesting her to read to them. They gathered closer to her end of the table sitting on their parents' laps as she began to read. The room was quiet as even the adults settled in to listen to her tale of  the 'Arabian Nights.'

Blue and Noah took turns reading aloud to the family until one by one the children began to fall victim to sleep. Violet struggled to stay awake but was the first to drift off sound asleep against her daddy's chest. Bear carried her home as Gabe and Lucy closed up the kitchen. Lily and Jace fought against the sleep but soon Bam and Lila were heading out next. Matt and Jill gathered up Colton and Lucas accompanied by Billy and Ami for the walk home. Jill slipped Lucas her book.  "You can finish it on your own."

"Thank you Miss Blue. I'll be sure to return it when I'm done."

"How about I walk you home, Blue?"

"I would like that Noah."

Noah took Blue's hand and held the door for her. Their walk was quick as the temperatures had dropped since the sunset. When they reached Blue's place, she asked him to come inside. He hesitated until she said she wouldn't take no for an answer. He unlocked the door for her, ever the gentleman.

She asked him to start a fire in the fireplace while she disappeared to the bedroom changing into something more comfortable. Noah made himself at home on her couch perusing her books on the table. She plopped on the couch next to him. He thought how pretty she looked with just a hint of blush to her cheeks.

She cocked her head slightly. "Something wrong? Do I have pizza sauce on my face?"

He shook his head no. "You're just so pretty to look at."

"Noah. So forward!" She teased him playfully.

"May I kiss you?" He asked gently brushing her bangs from her forehead.

"If you like...but just so you are forewarned, I may not be able to stop just there."

Noah responded quite perfunctory. "I might be willing to take that risk."

And slowly with the greatest of care, like she was a dainty piece of fine china, he kissed her like a man in love should kiss a woman.

Ed Sheeran-Kiss Me

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