Chapter 270 Separated Souls

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Jill brought Gypsy, Jace and Lily home. It was a long overdue reunion for mother and children but one that Jill thought would give Lila comfort. Jace and Lily bolted up the stairs tearing into their mother's room. They bombarded her with kisses and hugs, happy to see her back with them. Their reunion was bittersweet though as Lily being her forthright self asked where her daddy was.

"Your daddy went hunting." Lila told the kids a white lie. They didn't need to know all the details of the past few days. The family had protected the youngest Browns from the harsh realities of life. They were still too young to understand the complexities of adulthood.

Jill placed baby Gypsy carefully in Lila's arms. "She was such a good baby, Lila." Feeling Gypsy in her arms again was truly a homecoming. For a moment, all seemed right with the world. Lila looked at the three faces of her children. She could see Bam's strong will in Lily. She was most definitely her father's daughter. On the other hand, Jace was quiet, thoughtful and introspective just like her husband. And baby Gypsy had her husband's beautiful eyes. How could she feel alone with reminders of him staring right back at her, but yet, she felt incredibly alone without the other half of her soul.

Bam had been functioning on pure adrenaline for almost a week. The physical exertion from the work around the encampment had been good for him.  It gave his mind a distraction and at night, the peace he needed to finally sleep. He knew he would have to return home soon but he felt it incredibly important that he return with a clear mind.

Lila walked to the mill where Matt and Gabe worked. Gabe was glad to see Lila out for the first time. "Is it okay if I hug you," he asked sheepishly.

"Gabey, your hugs are always welcome." Lila wanted everything to return to normal. She no longer wanted anyone walking on eggshells around her or treating her differently as if she were damaged goods.

"I'm glad your home."

Lila kissed his cheek. "I'm glad to be home."

Matt had stepped in during his brother's absence to keep the business running for the past week. Lila was grateful for the help. She wanted things to return to the way they were as soon as possible.

"I know you know where he is." Lila sat at Bam's desk staring at Matt. "He went to Browntown, didn't he?"

Matt shook his head and replied, "The return to innocence."

"I need you to take me there." She was emphatic. "Today." Lila could no longer handle the separation. "I need to see him."

Matt checked the tide schedules. "Can you be ready in an hour?"

"Yes, I can. I just need to see if Jill will watch the kids while I'm gone."

"Consider it done."

The sound of an approaching motor caught Bam's attention. He wasn't expecting Bear or any of his hunting expeditions and headed towards the beach to see who had broken the solitude of his forest. From a distance, he could make out a solitary figure. He watched as the small motor boat navigated away from the cove. As he drew closer to the shadowed figure, he realized it was her standing there alone on his beach.

He hesitated for a moment, removing his hat in deference to her. The distance between them seemed as wide as an ocean even though it was only a couple of hundred yards that separated them. As he walked in her direction, she remained fixed in one position. She had bridged the distance between their home and Browntown. He would have to bridge the gap on the beach to her.

She willed herself not to fall into a thousand shattered pieces. What if he didn't want to fix what was wrong between them. He now stood mere feet from her and ached to touch her.

She asked only one question. "Joshua, are we broken?" She couldn't look him in the eye when she asked the question.

He said nothing instead letting his actions speak as he moved towards her in measured steps. His hands cupped her face making her lock eyes with his eyes. He spoke the words she needed to hear. "You and I will never be broken."

Sinking Deep by Hillsong

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