Chapter 326 From the Mouths of Babes

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The next morning Gabe woke up and his mind was now focused on the task at hand. After a quick meal of jerky, he headed in the direction of the main house to clean and organize the space. With the exception of Bear's hunting parties, the place wasn't used much anymore. That thought saddened him as he recalled the day the family first stepped foot on the property. So much time had passed. So much changes had taken place. So many hopes realized. So many challenges overcome. The family had clearly been blessed many times over.

Lucy woke to the sounds of soft whispers in her room but they were not the voices of Rose, Lila or Jill. They were smaller voices. She felt a tiny hand brush her forehead and whisper, "She's still sleeping."

Lucy's eyes fluttered for a moment and slowly came into focus. She saw her nieces standing by her bed whispering back and forth. Violet nugded her cousin. "Aunt Lucy, we brought you some juice and biscuits."

Lucy pulled herself up and sat upright in the bed. All of her nieces from the oldest to the youngest stood in her room. Lily handed Lucy the juice and Violet plopped the basket next to her on the bed. "Mom says you need to eat."

"How did you get in here?" Lucy asked peering at all the eyes watching her.

"Mom sent us over. She had to open the bakery this morning. Cruise ship coming in today." Lucy nodded taking a sip of the juice and placing it on the nightstand.

"We brought you flowers." Daisy beamed proudly clutching a handful of scraggly flowers.

"Daisy, they are as pretty as all of you." Lucy carefully took them and placed them on the table as well.

"Shouldn't all of you be in school today?"

Lily shook her head no and answered, "It's Saturday. No school today."

"Mommy says you need lots of love today." Daisy scurried up the bed and snuggled next to her aunt. Her cousins followed suit as Lucy fought back tears.

Violet rubbed Lucy's belly softly and asked, "Where did your baby go?"

The simple curiousity of a child deserved an answer and Lucy replied, "My baby went to heaven."

The answer was perplexing to Violet. She scrunched her face up not understanding the answer. "Why didn't the baby stay with us?"

Lily being the oldest tried to shush her cousin but Lucy told her it was okay and chose to answer the question.

"God called her home very early. He wanted an extra angel to watch out for all of you." Lucy pointed at each one of the girls.

"Did you and Uncle Gabe have a name for the angel baby?"

"Yes, Violet. Her name was going to be Gabriella. Gabi for short."

"That's a pretty name." Daisy giggled and hugged Lucy's neck.

"Yes, it is sweetheart. I named her after your uncle."

Lucy heard the sound of footsteps approaching and Lila poked her head in the door. "Okay girls, time to let Aunt Lucy rest."

One by one, each of the girls kissed and hugged Lucy goodbye. Daisy whispered in Lucy's ear and the reaction wasn't lost on Lila. As they departed, Lucy broke down again.

"Luce, I'm sorry. I hope they didn't upset you."

Lucy shook her head no. "Just the opposite. Daisy just told me she will pray for my Gabi every night."

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