Chapter 311 Business As Usual

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"I really wish you wouldn't take this hunting party out. They don't seem like the outdoorsy type." Red reviewed the request from a fraternity that wanted the Alaskan Wilderness experience. They weren't exactly Bear's usual clients of experienced hunters and fishermen but none the less, it was a paycheck for the family.

"Sol, we don't need the money. Business at the bakery is good. Why don't you just refer the group to one of the tour companies in Juneau?"

"And miss this awesome payday?"  Bear was already going down his checklist of what would be needed for the trip.

"Promise me you will take Gabe with you. Just as a precaution." Red felt an uneasiness about the whole affair. College aged boys were just that...boys.

"Okay. Fine. I will take Gabe with me if that eases your mind."

"Can I go daddy?" Violet who was very much like her father and loved the outdoors begged her dad to go with him.

"Absolutely not!" Red was adamant in her pronouncement.

Bear looked into Violet's pleading eyes as she clasped her hands in a prayerful like manner. "Pleaaaassseeeee!"

Bear picked her up and sat her on his lap. "Maybe next time Vi. Your mommie would worry too much."

Violet dropped her hands and sighed. "When will I be old enough to go with you?"

Bear thought for a moment trying to find a way to appease both his wife and daughter. "How about when I get back you and I will plan a trip to Browntown, just the two of us. I will show you my treehouse and maybe, if mommie thinks it is okay, I will teach you how to track deer and bears."

Violet's frown turned into a happy little smile. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Violet hugged her daddy's neck and kissed his cheek.

"You're the best daddy ever!" Violet jumped off Bear's lap and raced to the door. "I'm gonna' go tell Aunt Birdie."

Violet raced out the door as Red shouted after her. "Violet Brown, put a coat on!"

Red turned and stared at Bear.


"I'm trying to raise little ladies and you're turning my baby into a tom boy!"

"There's nothing wrong with a girl learning to take care of herself. Besides Bird and Rain turned out just fine being raised in the bush."

Gabe agreed to accompany Bear, and Bird volunteered to be a third guide providing much relief to Red. Both Gabe and Bird could handle a rifle with great skill and Gabe's extra brawn might come in handy if the frat boys got a little rambunctious.

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