Chapter 295 All of You, All of Me

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He stood there looking healthier, happier and maybe just a little bit sexier then he was a few weeks ago. Her heart jumped a bit as he slid his wedding band back on his ring finger and claimed his rightful place with her. She crossed the room to where he stood placing her hands on each side of his stubbled face and stared into his eyes for the longest time not uttering one word. His arms held her waist. She felt soft, not just from the fabric of his purchase. He moved closer to her face feeling the rapid beating of his own heart. His lips brushed hers pulling back as soon as he tasted her pink pouty mouth. "I just want to look at you for a few minutes." He pushed her slightly away still holding her by one hand. He twirled her around the room as her silk gown flowed with her every movement. "Damn, you are a gorgeous woman."

Every ounce of him wanted to ravish her and quickly but he remained in control. Instead, he took things slower than usual knowing that they had the whole house to themselves for the rest of the evening. "If you don't mind, I could use a shower before..." He glanced at their bed and back to her, his eyes full of sparkle once again.

"Yes, of course." She started to help him unbutton his shirt.

He hesitated for a moment. "I got this. Why don't you fix a tray and I'll be out in a few minutes." He pulled his shirttail from his jeans while she disappeared to the kitchen for sustenance. He was going to need it later she thought as a familiar feeling rushed through her body to her very core.

He was finished with his shower by the time she had returned to their room. Her hands trembled slightly at the very sight of his lean, tanned muscular body. The time away from each other only intensified the mutual attraction. She felt as if she had been hurled back in time reminded of his blue eyes, his silvered curls, and that Peter Pan quality of boyish charm combined with everything that defined him as a man.

The bulge under his towel did not go unnoticed by Jill. For weeks, she was reminded what she missed about him. She was unable to satisfy herself while he was away. He also noticed that her gaze had fallen to his towel. He purposefully adjusted the front as her gaze locked back on his eyes. He liked the way she bit her lower lip as if waiting in anticipation of what would come next.

Jill tried to distract herself from her wanton thoughts by offering him food. "Do you want something to eat?" Jill uncovered the tray revealing a smattering of things available in her cupboard. "You must be starving."

Before she could turn around, Matt had moved to where she stood. The front of his body against her back felt all to familar.  He whispered in her ear as she felt the hardness of his body against her curves. "Baby, I'm hungry but you are the only thing I want to eat tonight."

He looped his arms under her arms moving slowly to her silk covered breasts all the while telling her what he missed most about her. When he felt her sensitive nipples go hard under his touch, he slowly pulled the straps of her neglicee down to her hips. He loosened the towel around his waist letting it drop to the floor and kicking it to the side. He hiked the silk from her neglicee over her hips exposing her state of undress. Her breathing had slowed relishing the thought of things to come.

"Matthew..., " she purred as he stroked the vee between her thighs.

"Did my baby miss me?" His voice was huskier than she remembered.

She turned to face him. "More then you will ever know, Mattie." He released the hold on her neglicee letting it pool at her feet and leaving her beautifully exposed.

She was the missing piece to his puzzle only feeling complete knowing that he could be totally naked with her, not just in physically, but spiritually as well. Her hands rested on his hips waiting for him to lead the way. His hands caressed her ever so slowly as if trying to re-familiarize himself with all her curves and all her edges. His whispers and professions of adoration made her blush.

He lifted her on to his hips and walked her to their bed laying her gently down. Each movement was especially deliberate as he wanted to savour every single second with her. He bent to kiss her neck and then her lips. He left her breathless as he continued to kiss every inch of her small frame until he was satisfied that he had touched every part of her mind, her body and her soul before he made her his own once again.

John Legend-All of Me

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