Chapter 320 Compromise

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Bam and Matt watched from the front window of the mill as Joe escorted Bird back to the house. "That is going to be trouble," Bam voiced his concern.

Matt shook his head in agreement. "I wish we could keep her locked up forever."

"You know it is not going to get any easier for us. I've got three daughters plus Bear's posse. Will need a barbed wire fence to keep out potential suitors."

Mstt slapped Bam in the chest with the back of his hand. "Geez, he's kissing her."

Bam quickly stepped out on the porch of the mill and yelled to Bird. "Best be hurrying up there. Lila is waiting on you."

Joe and Bird hastily broke from their kiss. Bird felt her cheeks flush red with color. "I guess I"ll see you later." Joe nodded to Bam almost as a sign of respect as Bird frowned back at her brother.


Bird slammed the door behind her startling Lila from the kitchen. Lila could tell she was upset. Normally, she was always pleasant but today she appeared perturbed. Lila made the mistake of asking her what was wrong and Bird did not hold back.

"Why do they always treat me like a child? I am a grown woman and they still act like I am eight."

Lipa asked what events had transpired to set Bird off in a tirade. She explained her budding relationship to Lila who stroked her hand and told her she would address it with Bam. "So, this Joe character, maybe you should invite him to family dinner at the bakery tonight. If they get to know him better, they might take a liking to him."

"Can I invite him?" Bird's eyes lit up.

Lila laughed and answered her back. "What's one more mouth to feed with this family?"

Bam pulled on a shirt fumbling with the buttons. "Here let me help you with those."

Lila's nimble fingers buttoned each one slowly and carefully. She looked up at Bam and sighed heavily. "Okay woman, what's on your mind?"

"I think it's time you let Bird grow up."
Bam took a step back from Lila holding her at arm's length shaking his head.

"She is so naive." He answered back.

"So was I before I met you."

Bam countered her argument. "That was different."

"How is it different, Joshua? I was Bird when I met you."

"You lived in New York. She only knows this place. And her experience with guys is limited."

"That didn't stop you from pursuing me. " Lila tried to get him to remember how it felt when they first met. "And it won't stop Joe if he likes her or have you forgotten what it was like to be young and in love?"

"Never. Besides I may be a little older but I will always be in love with you." Bam pulled Lila closer to him to kiss her.

"You keep that kind of kissing up and we'll be late for dinner." Bam began unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it from its neat tuck in his jeans.

"What are you doing?" Lila asked trying to rebutton his shirt.

Bam slyly smiled at her with that familiar look in his eye. "If I am lucky, I'm doing you before dinner."

In a sweeping movement, he snatched Lila up in his arms and carried her to their bed. "Are you going to ease up on Bird?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not if you want to get laid."

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