Chapter 331 It's Time

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Jill drew closer to her due date never venturing far from home. Matt played the doting father also foregoing any long hauls that would take him too far from Hoonah. The anticipation of their new gift was always at the forefront of everyone's minds but his especially. He knew this was probably their last chance at a baby and it was a girl he hoped for. As much as he loved his sons, the adoration of a baby girl would be the icing on his cake. Jill on the other hand was ready for anything as long as it wasn't inside her anymore. She was overwhelmed by the last few weeks of her pregnancy having slowed her pace to a duck's waddle, swollen ankles and all.

"Matt." Jill jiggled her husband's shoulder. "It's time."

Matt was deep in the throes of his favorite past time which was sleeping. Jill nudged him again only receiving a slightly garbled response. She continued dressing and packed a small hospital bag while Matt continued to sleep. Jill managed to get downstairs herself before calling Noah and Blue to stay with the boys. Lila and Bam had arrived with their brood half asleep.

"Where's Matt?" Lila asked while making her children comfortable in the spare room.

"I can't raise the dead." Jill shook her head as she handed Lila extra blankets for the kids.

"Joshua, would you please get your brother out of bed?"

Bam cracked a smile. "With pleasure, princess."

Lila called after her husband as he jogged up the stairs." "And gentle."

"Can't make any promises."

Bam flung the door open to find his brother sound asleep. He flopped on the bed next to Matt and began shoving him. Half asleep, Matt mumbled to Jill to knock it off.

Bam moved closer to Matt's head and roared, "I'm not Jill." Matt tumbled out of bed surprised to hear his brother's bellowing voice booming from Jill's side of the bed.

"Where's Jill?"

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