Chapter 294 Say You Won't Let Go

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When Matt stepped outside the fence that surrounded his temporary home for the past several weeks, he felt like he had been reborn. He left all his baggage and problems behind him and felt a new sense of purpose and direction. He spotted Bam's truck parked on the side of the road. He wasn't hard to miss with his back to the truck sporting his dark shades and worn hat.

"Man, thanks for coming. You didn't tell her I was coming home, did you?" Matt shook his brother's hand pulling him in for a half hug.

"No, she doesn't have a clue. I didn't tell anyone. I'm taking Lila and all the kids to town for a movie tonight. I thought you might want some time alone with your wife to talk. Amongst other things." Matt could see a small smile breaking across his brother's usually stoic face.

"I like the way you think, bro." Matt rolled his window down taking a breath of fresh air into his lungs. "It feels like home."

"Lila missed you. She didn't have anyone to scheme with."

Matt changed the subject. "How are my boys?"

"They're great. Gabe and Bear took them hunting while you were gone. The whole family kept them busy and distracted. I even let them work in the mill. They are good boys."

"It'll be good to see them tomorrow. But tonight it is all about Jill. You think you can make a stop in town for me. I don't want to come home empty-handed. And I may need you to float me a loan until I get home. We didn't have much use for cash where I was."


"You coming in?" Matt opened the door to the shop as the scent of lilacs wafted out the door. "I could use some help."

Bam pulled his hat further down trying not to be noticed as both men entered the shop. The few patrons who were there eyed the pair trying not to snicker as Bam pointed out some special pieces of lingerie. Matt was quick to draw attention with his admiration of all things soft and silky. He rubbed the fabric between his thumb and fore finger.
"Nice. I like the feel of that."

"May I help you make a selection?" Matt and
Bam turned in the direction of the voice. Bam gestured at Matt signaling to the shop owner that Matt was the shopper. "Did you have anything in mind?"

Bam had to walk away to keep from laughing as he watched his brother awkwardly attempt to describe what he had in mind.

The shop owner listened intently. "So, let me see if I understand what you're looking for. Something beautiful but not trashy, any color but red, and price is not an obstacle."

Matt flashed her his school boy smile. "I think I have something you may like. It just came in yesterday. And her size?"

Matt again attempted to describe Jill's size by indicating her height and shape. Bam just shook his head and whispered to him. "Petite, man."

"Well that was awkward." Bam chuckled.

"There are too many choices," replied Matt as he held up a corset and matching panty set against his brother.

Bam pushed his arm away. "Really, dude?"

The shop owner returned with two pieces of lingerie. "These just arrived this week. These are by Lilliana Casanova from France."

"French lingerie in Alaska?" Matt questioned.

The shop owner reminded Matt that men were plentiful in Alaska and it was who the shop catered to more than women. After all, when her clients had a woman they wanted to impress, price wasn't an objection. She presented a beautiful harlow style neglicee in both a short and long version in a cream color dotted with seed pearls and lace. Matt hesitated to touch it as it was so delicate looking just like his wife.

"Go ahead, feel it. It is the softest silk." Matt rubbed the fabric between his fingers.

"Yep, that's the one. Can you wrap it up for me?"

Bam paid the bill as another clerk put the finishing touches on the box. "Do you want to include a card?"

Matt scribbled a note on the pink card and watched as the clerk added a beautiful bow. "I think your wife will love this gift."

"I hope so." Matt smiled. "I really hope so."

As they approached Browntown II, Bam dumped Matt out so he could enter the mill office unseen. He would wait there until Bam and Lila had rounded up the kids for pizza and a movie. As Jill stood waving goodbye, Matt snuck around to the back of the house with his surprise tucked tightly under his arm. Bam had deliberately delayed their departure to distract Jill long enough for Matt to make his move. Matt treaded carefully through the house leaving the package on the table so Jill would find it when she came back inside the house. He disappeared up to their bedroom and waited patiently.

The house was quiet again as Jill walked back in. She missed Matt's mad antics. There was nothing more fun then him chasing her around the house, capturing her around the waist and tickling her until she begged him to stop. As she walked to the kitchen to finish the evening dishes, she spotted the package. Her first thought was that Lila had left her a cheer up gift but when she noted the name on the wrap, it couldn't have possibly come from her. Jill sat at the table and carefully loosened the bow and slipped it off the delicate pink wrap. As she lifted the lid, she let out a small gasp as she recognized the handwriting on the card. She sat it to the side and pulled the neglicee slowly upwards. She looked at the card and read the note.

Jill: I know when I see you in this, you will be perfect. Matt

Jill raced up the stairs to try it on just as Matt had hoped. The silk spilled over her body and fit her small frame perfectly. As she walked to look at herself in the corner mirror, Matt catwalked from his hiding spot. When she looked at herself in the mirror, it was his face reflected back at her wearing his Peter Pan grin.

"Matthew!" She turned around to face him. "What? How?"

"I'm back to claim my ring and my wife." Matt slipped his wedding band back on his finger and waited for Jill to come to him.

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