Chapter 272 Come Home To Me

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It seemed like they talked for hours. He, at times, didn't want to hear the details. She told him if he didn't listen, if he didn't know every detail, it would poison him and their life together. She was matter of fact about the events trying not to let her emotions overwhelm her. This was no longer about her or him, it was about them. It was a cleansing of souls, both hers and his. When she finished and he no longer had any more questions, they closed the book on that chapter of their life.

"It's late." Day had slipped in to night.  She was tired from the trip. He was mentally exhausted. She suggested they get some rest, but alone for tonight. She asked him to sleep in the trapper shack and he did not protest. Baby steps. They managed to get through the hardest part of the day. Tomorrow would be a fresh start for both of them.

He didn't want to leave her alone, but she insisted they needed the time. He wanted nothing more than to stay with her, to beg her forgiveness for his earlier comment, and to just hold her as she slept. It was a hard, lonely walk back to the trapper shack as she stood on the porch and watched him disappear into the night.

The moon cast almost too much light into the bedroom and she found it hard to sleep all alone in the cabin without the security of Jill and Matt nearby.  She slipped out of bed and peered out the window at the full moon. It seemed so bright on this night. She had forgotten how much brighter the light was in the bush than where there was artificial light at their home in Hoonah. She could see the flicker of candlelight from the small window of the trapper shack. She knew he was still awake probably trying to determine his next move.

The knock at his door was unexpected. He took a deep breath before opening the door to find her standing there looking as beautiful as she did the first time she knocked at his door several years ago. She didn't ask permission to come in and he didn't stop her. She stood with her back against the door. "I couldn't sleep."

"Neither could I." He replied back.

He moved closer to her but dared not touch her for fear that she would leave him alone again. She whispered to him the words he longed to hear. "It's tomorrow. Can I stay with you?"

He nodded his affirmation. Her hand moved slowly to his chest and rested over his heart. She could feel it pounding rapidly. Her hand moved slowly from his chest to his cheek and he turned his head deeper into her touch. She felt familiar and soft.

With each breath she took, he was hopeful. He put his arms above her shoulders  becoming slightly braver and moved even closer to her. She began to speak but he had decided they had talked enough for one day and swallowed her words as he pressed his lips to hers. She didn't fight his kiss. Surprisingly, she welcomed it and kissed him back.

"What are you doing to me, Lila?" His forehead rested against hers.

"I want you to come home, Joshua."

"To Hoonah?" He asked.

She shook her head no. "To me." She took his hand and led him to his bed.

Shawn Mendes-In My Blood

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