Meet Fresh

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Me and Mommy were going out shopping today! Mommy said it was for a family get together!

I was excited to see what we were getting! First we went to a the grocery store and picked up soda, flour, chocolate chips, ketchup, mustard, honey and some other stuff.

Then we went to a party store! We bought differnet colored hats and even got a few other things too!

Finally we went to the mall! Mommy said it was to relax for a bit.

"Mommy, why did we get so much stuff?" I asked.

She sighed at my question but then chuckled.

"Because, everyone from all the AU's are going to be there! After all most of them are family!" She said with a bright smile, her eyes becoming stars.

"Really?" I asked, my own eyes forming stars... Well bigger stars.

"Yup!" Mommy Ink nodded with a proud smile.

After that we went home to get everything set up. Mommy was in the kitchen while Daddy was out in the living room putting up the decor as Daddy put it.

They told me that since I had helped with getting everything, I could just relax until it was time to get ready myself.

I hopped up to my room to see Des!

Des was in her human form. Because of this she had deep blue hair that she got from her mommy. And her eyes were a bright red in the shape of triangles. Her skin was pale as Mommy's bones too!

"H-hElL0, P-pApEr." She glitched.

I guess someone shattered her soul. She, unlike everyone else that I know, doesn't need her soul whole. Since she doesn't need it to be whole, she can live without it. However, it kind of makes her glitch when its shatter.

"Do you need help?" I asked. This may have happened more than once...

"No, MoMmY healed ME." She said, a light smile on her face.

"Wanna draw?"

Instantly her small smile became wider as she nodded her head very quickly.

Me and her both love drawing! Its awesome!

A little while passed before Des had to go back to her void. Though she did promise that I'll be meeting someone new that night!

"PJ, time to get dressed!" Mommy yelled up the stairs.

"Okay, mommy!" I yelled back.

I changed into a magenta shirt with black pants and rainbow shoes. I covered my shirt a bit with a light blue jacket that had a black hoodie.

The second I was done, the doorbell rang. I gasped as my eye became a bigger star.

Not wasting a second, I raced down the stairs and opened the door.

"HELLO, TINY CHILD! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS ARRIVED!" UT Papy yelled out in his booming voice.

"Hey, bucko." Classic said with his lazy smile.

"Hello, Mr. Papyrus and Mr. Classic! Mommy and Daddy are getting change, but come in!" I say with a bright smile.

I opened the door more to let the two in and just as I was about to cpose it, Blue and Honey came.

"HELLO, SMALL CHILD! WE HAVE ARRIVED!" Blue yelled out, just like Papy.

I told them the same thing and just let them in.

"Blue!" Mommy squealed as she and Mr. Blue hugged each other.

"IT'S BEEN FAR TOO LONG, INK." Mr. Blue exclaimed as he looked to almost burst into tears.

The door bell rang again and this time Daddy aswered the door! He laughed his glitchy laugh as he let in Aunt Geno and Uncle Reaper with Goth! After them was Raspberry and Barbecue. (SF Sans and SF Papy)

Already the big home was being filled with people!

I played with Goth as we waited for the others to arrive.

Soon we were tackle into a hug by Palette, Whipple and Hate! We laughed and talked, it just been so long!

Almost an hour later, the door bell rang again. Everyone stopped talking... Even breathing...

The grown ups silence caused us to be silent.

"Did you invite him?" Ink asked as she pulled me closer to her.

"nO... He MuSt'Ve SaW tHeM c0mInG hErE..." Daddy tells mommy as he walks to the door.

Once he opens it, a white boned skeleton, like mommy, walked in.

He wore a brightly rainbow jacket with a red, blue and yellow hat that he wore backwards. His shirt was a darkish light purple. Then his glasses that hid his eyes... They said YO_LO...

"Wiggidy wiggidy! Whazz up, my bro! Have ya been a ball of sin lately?" He said with a weird slang.

"Mommy, who is he and why does he talk funny?" I asked mommy.

My voice caused the stranger to turn to me. His smile was big and very... Handsome on him. I smiled back as I looked at him.

"Whose this ball of cinnamon? Yours, Onii-san?" The stranger asked Daddy, even though he never turned away from me.

"YeS, nOw LeAvE, 90's ReJeAcT." Daddy growled, glaring gaster blasters at him.

"Daddy! Be nice to him!" I scolded father as Mommy would have... Why wasn't she doing anything...

Shaking the thought from my head, I skipped up to the man and held out my hand. He seemed surprised at my actions, I wonder why?

"Hello, Mister. I'm Paperjam!" I tell him as Daddy looks ready to fight this man and mommy seems just as tense.

"Nice ta meet ya, Jamster! Names Fresh." He smiled brightly at me.

"Hehe, wanna play with me and my friends, Mr. Fresh?" I asked.

He smildd down on me as his YO_LO glasses changed to saying SU_RE.

I grabbed his hand and we started to play with everyone else.

After hours of playing around and just having fun, everyone left.

First it was Aunt Dream, Uncle Nightmare and Uncle Cross with my half bro and his other sibs. Then it was Raspberry and Barbecue, saying something about sex?

Slowly Aunt Blue and Uncle Dust left with Uncle Honey and Uncle Edge. Soon it was just me, mommy, daddy and Mr. Fresh!

"Welp! I gotta go, meh broski! Catch ya on the flip side!" He yelled out as he vanished in some colorful cloud.

For the rest of the night, I couldn't stop smiling. I'm glad I met Fresh, he's fun!

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