Your New Friend

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There was a new app going around the school. Almost everyone was on it.

Apparently, the app had a feature where you could talk to random people either around the world or around the town you were in.

Everyone thought it was cool! And amazing!

Fresh found it freaky, however... Specially since, if you didn't want to be randomly paired with a living person, you could talk to an AI. There were about sixty different AIs and more were being programed since the app was growing.

Meaning, the chances of you talking to the same AI as your friend were slim, but possible... Though, their reactions might be different as they would file your username and their conversations with you, so they would be better equipped with how to talk to you.

Like I said, Fresh found the app freaky. It's name wasn't even helping it!

Meet Your New Friend!

Yup, red flags were going off all over his head!

Still, almost all of his friends were texting on it, trying to persuade him to get it too.

"Come on! You can follow people and friends on there as well! It's kind of like Snapchat and Tik Tok combined!" A tall skeleton with a red scarf chirped out in his loud voice that everyone in the school was use to.

Fresh winced, clearly not liking that idea still.

"I-If you d-don't wa-want to ta-talk with a-an AI or a-a ran-random pe-person, I-I heard th-there's a b-beta ver-version of ta-talking with fr-friends!" A small yellowish-orange lizard stuttered out, having finally looked up from her phone.

She had been talking to someone who's username was Armored_Fish57.

Stupid really.

Fresh still shook head, his wince turning into a scowl. Seriously? Wasn't talking to random people the same thing as talking with your friends? You could say your actual name, damnit!

"Am I the only one that finds this app to be, I don't know, weird? Red flags popping up too often?" He demanded.

The two other monsters looked at each other before looking back at their other skeleton friend, shrugging.

"I-I gu-guess... The a-app's fun..." Alphys reached her slightly clawed hand out. "L-Let m-me do-download it f-for you."

The parasite took a step back, clutching his old phone tight to his chest, a look of shock and anger passing through his face.

"No way in heck would I have that thing on my phone! That app sounds like a virus about to happen!"

The lizard monster sighed, lowering her hand.

She opened her mouth once more, most likely going to try and persuade him again, yet her phone buzzed.

Her mouth closed and her head snapped down, a smile then forming over her lips. Quickly, her thumbs started typing in a hurried pace.

The nerd shook his head, stuffing his hand and phone into his baggy pants. He hated how that damn app had gotten everyone hooked. It just sounded like a bad idea to have it, much less be near it.

Shaking his head, he started to walk away from his friends. The bell to their first class was going to ring soon and he had to hurry to it.

The two didn't follow. Fresh didn't bother turning to see if they were on their phones, the likelihood of that was high enough that he didn't need to confirm it.

The school day went well, till his third class, where the teacher told the students to use their phones to research something unimportant. Looking through his bag and pockets, no phone was found.

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