End of the World

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I hid behind a group of buildings as I tried to catch my breath. I had been running all day from them... Since the war... Nothing has been the same... 

Weapons are different, no one trusts any one... There is less food and clean water to drink and eat... Things are getting harder and harder...

I kept my hand on my samurai sword, a family heirloom. Mom taught me how to use it well in a quick fight, while Father taught me how to fight dirty... I use both tactics unless proven that I need to flee... Or kill...

Sucking in a deep breath, I ran once more. I ran down the alleyway quietly, trying to get to the surrounding forest. I knew the forest well enough to not get mulled by a bear or trapped by some bear trap... Which would suck greatly.

I was able to dash in the forest unnoticed, but I knew it wouldn't be for long... The war ended some years ago and things haven't been well kept... It's only been the last couple of years that things have gone to crap... Meaning everything was being covered and trapped in plants and vines... The forest being a good place to go to hide, so they would look there after a few hours in the city.

I huffed softly as I felt myself slow down. The sun was beating down on the trees above me, making the air humid... Not my favorite part of it as it makes me sleepy...

The stiff wind blew across the shadowed area, bringing the scent of pine and... Something else... Something sweet...

I ran towards the scent. It could lead me to some food and fresh water! It's been a couple of days since I had food or good water!

I stopped at the edge of the forest when I saw a clearing, cautious of making myself known. Inside the clearing was a small farm house with a bunch of fruit trees and other stuff behind it... This place was a farm!

I licked my dry lips as I looked at all of the food... They have so much...

I quickly snuck over to the trees and snagged a few cherries and apples along with bananas... I pulled a couple of fully done carrots out of the ground and even took a pineapple! For a quick snack I grabbed three ripe tomatoes. 

I scurried over to the other side of the house and sat down. I was thirsty and starving! The ripe tomatoes should fill me up!

I bit into one of the plump, blood red fruit and almost moaned at how good it was! You would too if you only had been eating stale bread and crackers for months on end, barely having enough water to get you through! This was heaven compared to that!

I took another bite, being careful not to make myself known to the resident of the house... That could end badly... for both of us...

Some of the pinkish juice ran down my chin and hit my scarf. I shrugged it off as this wasn't the first time my scarf was used as a basic napkin...

I sighed softly as the sun slowly started to set... The cool breeze blew from the forest that I was facing... I loved this place... This was nice and peaceful... Everything else was hell and dangerous...

I finished the first tomato and put the others in my bag. After not having a lot to eat no matter what, my stomach felt full with just that one thing...

Slowly my eyes started to close... I tried to push myself up, but... my body refused... Soon, I was sleeping soundly in the hidden arms of the house... The soft sound of footsteps coming my way...

I groaned as I stretched softly, trying to make sure that I didn't roll over. My bones felt something soft ( cotton maybe) hit them... 

My eyes jolted open as I bounced to my feet.

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