The Party

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"Come on, bro! Everyone from school will be there!" A lime colored skeleton called out, it sounding more like a whine. 

A dark boned skeleton growled lowly, trying to focus on the art project he had to finish before the end of Spring break. It was suppose to show what he believes what love is. Thing was, he never felt love towards anyone... Just platonic, and that's not true love... Well for the dark monster.

"I have work to do! You know this, Palette! You always want me to go to those stupid parties, just because you want to see Goth! I'm getting tired of having to do everything last minute because you're always blackmailing me! Can't you, just for once, leave me out of your wants and wishes! I want to get into a good college unlike you, got it!" He snapped, standing to glare at his older brother. 

The pale skeleton froze, completely shocked. He didn't know what to say... The younger one was always so quiet and reserved... He rarely had an outburst like this... If at all! 

"I-I'm..." Palette couldn't find the words he was wanting to say... They seemed to be stuck in his throat. That was a first...

Paperjam sighed, rubbing his temples. Spring break ended in four more days... Maybe the party could help him see what Agape love was like... Even if so slightly.

"Fine... I'll go, but I'm leaving in an hour, with or without you." 

Palette's eyes shone happily as they formed into stars. This was going to be a party that neither of them were going to forget. 

The dark boned monster glared at everyone. As he guessed, many people were drinking like the end of the world was going to happen in a few short minutes. There were the usual sluts, dancing on some poles like stripper, which he guessed they would become someday. Then the usually nice girls dancing up on guys like some bitch. People were dancing like idiots, plastic red cups in one hand as they clumsily moved around. 

The monster wasn't impressed, he hated parties for a reason. Though, when his brother said everyone, he truly did mean everyone... There was Undyne, a senior, making out with Alphys, a sophomore. Cil was making out with another freshman. Basically, there was a lot of sin and lust going around. 

The perfect place to be when you can't fight for shit! Not the sarcasm.

Half way through the hour that Paper gave his brother, he started feeling uncomfortable. He was always stared down at school. Heck, his own brother says that most of the males in the Seniors were after him! 

Yeah this wasn't going to happen. Pulling out his phone, PJ sent a quick text saying that he was walking home. He also said that he was feeling a bit sick, which wasn't a complete lie. It's just not the full truth. 

Huffing a bit, he tried to sneak his way out of the house, but was pinned to the way by none other than Lust! Of fucking course, it had to be Lust! 

"Get your hands off of me!" The weak monster cried out, struggling against the intoxicated one. 

The purple monster just giggled like a child. Lust was one of the more sinful monsters, always having a different boyfriend or girlfriend every day. It was also said that once he fucks you, you're under his control no matter what happens!

"Now, I want to see what you're like in the bed~ I bet it's going to be wonderful~ The feeling of you tightening around my cock as I-"

"Lust, if you're going to have a taste of him, I want some too." A pale skeleton with a large hole in his head purred, baring sharp teeth. 

"No! Let me go! I want to go home!" Paper shouted, but the music drowned most of what he said out.

The small skeleton resorted to kicking and squirming as best as he could. But, nope! Horror helped Lust keep him pinned to the wall! 

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