New Lives pt2

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Freshy's POV

Me and Halluciv sat on the couch while the two nice officers cooked in the kitchen. We were watching a movie called Zootopia! 

We were giggling and laughing most of the time, curled up in soft warm blankets. We liked it here... It was better than being out on the streets or in that orphanage... It was peaceful... Calming...

Me and Lu laid down on the couch, hugging each other like we always do, and fell asleep... It's been a long day and it was really late...

I woke up to the feeling of someone carrying me. I panicked and looked up at the person in fear. 

Colorful sunglasses met my eyes, worry etched on the person's face. It was Mr. Jam...

"O-Oh..." I whispered, relaxing in his arms. 

He frowned, worry still there. 

"Is everything alright?" He whispered, setting me on his bed. 

I nodded... I didn't trust him enough for talking about that... 

"Is it about being in that place?" He sighed softly, his worry still there. 

I said nothing, looking at my hands. He was a Cop... Of course he would understand instantly...

"Hey," He lifted my chin, making me look him in the eyes... His real eyes. They were so beautiful... "Don't worry... It's alright... Me and Xcellence won't let you guys get hurt... You two are safe with us..." He slowly pulled me into a hug. 

I melted into it, loving the feeling it gave. Protection, warmth, happiness... Love...

I yawned softly, growing tired again. Mr. Jam chuckled, pulling the blankets back and set me inside them.

"Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" He asked, his voice soft as the clouds. 

I nodded. I just felt safe with him around, it made me feel like nothing was going to go wrong...

He nodded, getting up for a second, going on the other side of the bed and laid on top of the blankets. He pulled me into a small hug, making me blush lightly. Still, I melted into it. 

I yawned again, balling his shirt up in my tiny hands... I didn't want him to go... 

I woke up to someone placing me on a soft, cotton thing... It was a bed, it was too small for that... so it had to be a couch...

I yawned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked around and saw Mr. Jam's living room! It wasn't a dream!

I smiled lightly, looking around for Lu... But I didn't see him... Where could he have gone?

"Senpai!" A voice squeaked.

I turned to the stairs and saw the other officer trying to walk with Lucy cling to his leg.

"I can just pick you up." He told him, but the little guy shook his head, giggling.

I giggled too, watching as the officer had to limp to the kitchen. There was a moment of silence before their was laughter!

I hopped up and skipped over there, giggling even more as Mr. Jam had to lean against the wall to stay standing.

"I-I didn't know ya were that soft of heart, Celly." He barked out in laughter.

"Oh, shut up." Celly hissed, somehow being able to pry my brother off of his leg. "He's too cute to say no to." He grumbled, giving my brother a soft squeeze.

"Hehe, Senpai!" The creampuff chirped, making the taller white skeleton turn a shade of pink!

"Hehe, Λούσι, γίνεται ροζ!" I told him, making him snicker and giggle. (Lucy, he's turning pink!)

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