I'm Here For Your Soul

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I sat on my knees and bowed my head with my clasped hands together in front of me. It was time for bed, so I prayed that I would live to see another day and that the world would be a better place.

Once I was done with my praying, I climbed into bed.

Just as I was about to close my eyes and fall asleep, I felt someone's hand caress my cheek.

I moaned in annoyance and swatted the hand away, turning to snuggled my head back into my pillow.

"Hehe, feisty!" A sinister voice whispered in my ear.

My eyes shot open as I pushed myself up.

Even in the dim lightly of my room, I could still see it. The creature had fanged teeth that did nothing to soften the dark, benevolent eyes that only know sin with its cruel smile. The monster had broad, dark colored horns that coiled in many directions with sharp ends and points. The fiend's bones were a pearl white color with a few chips here and there. Its clothes might've been brightly colored in the daylight, but with the faint glow of the moon behind it, they seemed just as dark and sinister as the monster before me.

My breathing picked up as I pulled my knees close to my chest, my eyes forever wide as I stared at the demon.

The demon tilted its head to the side, its grin only growing.

"Your fear is quiet delicious, mortal." The fiend purred in this rough, barbarian voice.

A whimper slipped passed my lips as I pressed myself against my headboard even more.

The monstrous thing closed its eyes and tilted its head back, a glowing tongue slipping out and wetting his skeleton lips.

Tears were gathering in the corners of my eyes. H-How could this demon be in my home?!

"W-What ar-are you d-doing he-here?" I whispered, my voice soft like a breeze.

The beast tilted it's head to the side again, its wicked grin slipping at the corners. Then a harsh, cruel, and wicked filled laughter filled my room as the thing lunged at me!

I gasped as I felt its skeleton hand take my throat and pin me to the head board. The tears that had gathered in my eyes fell without warning and it was all that I could do not to cry and beg for this vile thing to stop touching me!

"G-Get o-off me!" I cried out in a meek voice, the tears blurring my vision.

"Awe~ but dear child, don't you want to hear what I have to offer?" The thing smirked down at me from its looming state.

"N-No!" I choked out as panic continued to conform inside of me.

"Well, too bad~ I know how you mortals are, you fear what you cannot control, but love it when you're given the power to do so~" The demon purred again, its sinister eyes glaring down at me. I kept my mouth shut, I didn't know who or what this demon was, so I couldn't fight it... Or have it be angry with me. "Good, girl~ I can give you all of the riches of the world, have every man or woman fall to their knees at the mere sight of you, and make you the Queen of an entire empire. All you have to do is give me your body for whenever I request of it and your soul when you die."

My eyes widen even more as I felt the slivers temptation. The demon's lips spread into a wide grin, but the temptation was quickly destroyed as I sent my foot into its chest, sending the jerk on the ground.

"No! I want nothing from a wretch like you! I am happy being poor, I am happy that no one sees me, I am happy to be peasant amongst the kings and queens! I don't care for your offers, be gone demon! Go taint another poor soul, leave mine alone!" I cried out, closing my eyes and curling up once more.

PaperFresh ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora