Try Me Bitch

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It was the another AU party that Geno was throwing. The difference was, everyone was invited and they all knew there was going to be drinking.

Error and Ink had brought Paperjam since he wanted to see all the other Sans. He doesn't go out very much since Ink was very over protective of him.

Today he thought that maybe his little man could make more friends than just Goth, Palette and Fresh. Especially Fresh.

"Hello! My name is Paperjam!" He greeted to a Sans that was wearing a lab coat.

"Huh... Hello, my name is Sci..." Sci looked nervous at the kid. He didn't know there were going to be little ones!

"Sci? Are you from Sciencetale?" Paperjam asked looking confused.

"Why I am... What AU are you from?" Sci asked looking down at the kid.

"I'm the Anti-Void!" He cheered.

That's when it hit the the nerdy Sans. He was talking to Ink and Error's kid! No wonder Ink was glaring at him!

"Umm... I got refill my drink, kid... Why don't you talk to Dance?" He hurried out as he basically ran to get more alcohol.

The cinnamon roll just shrugged and tried to find Fresh.

"Mr. Fresh!" The babybones yelled as he gave the colorful skeleton a surprise hug.

"Hey, there homeslice! Didn't know ya was showin' up, dawg!" He grinned down at the smaller skeleton.

"Mommy says that I need more friends that Goth, Palette and you. Wanna come with!" His eyes were big as sparkles could practically be seen coming from them!

"S-sorry, man... I can't... But, I'll check up on ya!" The parasite tried to calm his beating heart as much as he could.

"Oh... Okay! See you around!" With that the happy boy bounced around.

He of course said hi to Goth and Palette who gave his younger half bro a hug. After that he meet two other nice skeletons called Whipple, Hate, Sprinkle, and Loki. Odd names, but he didn't care!

Then he came to another, older skeleton who had on a grayish-purple jacket, almost like Dust's. He also wore baggy black pants and dark blue sneakers.

"Hello mister!" Greeted the smol.

Dance!Sans looked down at Ink's kid. He had seen him come with the two Gods and saw that he was making more friends he guessed.

"Hey, kid. What's going on?" He asked as chill as he could be.

Now that he got a closer look at the kid... He was kind of adorable!

"Nothing much, Mister." The kid smiled happily at the older skeleton.

Fresh silently walked over to the two, his anger fuming! He didn't like how Dance was staring at his Jammy.

Suddenly a more of a couples song was thrown on. A lot of people started dancing. Most were because their happened to be a lot of couples and crushs in the room.

"Wanna dance?" Jammy held out his hand for the stranger to take.

Now, Dance would be flattered if the skeleton behind him wasn't terrifying! Everyone knew Fresh was a bit... Over kill on some things... But this was insane!

He had pulled his glasses down to his nose, showing off his flaming eyes. His glasses even changed to TRY ME_BITCH.

"Nope! Nope, nope, nope, nope!" He kept saying that as he moon walked away from the two, Fresh still glaring as Jam-jam gave a confused look.

"Hey, Jamster!" Fresh exclaimed as he threw his arm around the smaller skeleton.

Paperjam whipped his vead up to see his best friend! He smiled brightly as he hugged him.

"Hello, Mr. Fresh! Do you wanna dance?" He asked, knowing his friend would never let him down.

"Of course, meh lil' homie!" The 90's themed skeleton took the innocent one by the hand and pulled him close as the two started dancing.

They just giggled and smiled at each other as they danced. It was... Perfect to say the least.

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