Little Love pt2

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I'm trying to get the request for part 2's out of the way... This is going to take a while...


"Fresh, are you okay?" The caretaker asked, placing his hand on top of the young skeleton. 

The eight year old shook his head yes, smiling happily. He was just blushing. After all the older skeleton was just wearing a pajama pants and no shirt!

"P-Paperjam, can we make us a garden?" The child asked, making a grabbing motion with his hands. 

"Of course, what would you want to grow?" The caretaker asked, picking up his little one. 

"Strawberries, carrots and... blueberries!" Fresh giggled a bit as held onto his love's shoulders. 

"That sounds wonderful! I'll go collect some things and when I get back, we'll start making our garden. You know the rules on when I'm out." Paper told, setting the child on a cotton couch.

"Of course! Don't go outside and don't answer the door unless it's you!" The small child giggled a little at the end. 

"Good, I should be back before nightfall, if not then you know how to make yourself a sandwich." 

Fresh giggled again at the older one's words. He loved how peaceful the house was, even when the two weren't together. Everything was good... Everything was perfect... 

A little after midnight, a young teenager found a wooden cabin. He didn't live far from the woods, but he was sure as the devil himself, that no one lived in the woods. Being the sly monster he was, he snuck to a window. 

There was a light from inside one of the rooms, the living room. Sitting on an old cotton couch was a small, white skeleton like the young teenager. The baby bones must've been no older eight or nine, but the teenager knew who it was. It was Fresh Crayon, the young skeleton monster that was kidnapped by his caretaker a year ago. 

Looking around the room with his eyes, the young teen concluded that the 'caretaker' wasn't in the house. He had to act quickly before the slightly older monster comes back.

Fresh hummed to himself as he watched a movie that Paperjam 'bought'. The young child wasn't that naïve to not know that most of the stuff they had was stolen, yet he didn't mind, no one seemed to care anyway. 

The sound of the back door creaking open drew his attention away from the small TV screen. Glancing over the couch, he caught a glimpse of dark clothing. 

"Hi, Paperjam!" The young parasite called out, going back to the movie. 

"Hey, Fresh..." The voice answered back but it was a bit scratchy. Fresh shrugged it off as he gave a quiet yawn. It was getting late...

"I'm going to bed, Paper."

"G'night..." The voice responded again. 

Fresh turned off the TV and the lights, going to his room by memory. A few minutes passed before his door was opened again. 

The young parasite pretended to be a sleep, wanting to know what this shadow would do... The shadow wasn't really like Paperjam's... Even so slightly smaller and slimmer... They also were wearing a hat... PJ never wears hats indoors...

The figure picked up the tired child and swiftly left the cabin, going down the slanted hill. In the light of the moon, the child finally was able to make out who was caring him. 

They had on a red and black hat with sunglasses that red ED_GE. Their clothing though was a dark red shirt with a black jacket and black and yellow pants with dark red spenders hanging down at the side. 

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