Broken Innocence

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A young skeleton boy skipped along the sidewalk, smiling. He and his family moved to a new neighborhood since he kept getting bullied at the last one. 

He didn't mind getting bullied, as long as they weren't physically hurting him, which none of them did. It wasn't that they were afraid of his father, nor his mother, it was more like they were just joking. Besides, they were just kids, what reason would they have to fight one another?

Suddenly the child stopped... He was only a few feet away from a dark alley... No cars were going by at this hour... Everything was silent... Too silent... It felt like something was waiting... Waiting for him to come closer...

Hesitantly, the young monster walked closer to the alleyway... He was just about to pass it when a hand covered his mouth and an arm encircled his waist, dragging him into the dark area!

His mismatched eyes widen as they instantly filled with tears. 

"NO!" He screamed out, struggling against the being. From the feeling of their hand, they were a skeleton monster like him. 

The young teen kicked and clawed at the arm and hand, his tears clouding his vision. Why was this happening! What was happening! 

"Stph! No!" He continued to shout, thrashing around as much as possible! He wanted to go to school, that's all!

"Quit squirming." The monster demanded, their voice laced with an emotion that the young one didn't understand.

Roughly, he shook his head no. He wanted to be let go!

Suddenly, he was thrown to the ground and slammed against the brick walls! He cried out in pain, the tears never stopping! 

"So beautiful~" The stranger purred as they wiped the tears away. 

The child looked up at them, making sure to remember what the person looked liked. They were a white skeleton about six feet tall wearing a multicolored hoodie with bright orange shorts. He, as by the way his voice sounded, wore sunglasses with blue and yellow words that spelled YO_LO... 

"W-What do y-you w-want, Mi-Mister..." The child whispered, whimpering at how the monster above him held him to the wall. 

The monster smirked, the child feeling his eyes looking over his body. He didn't like how it felt... He hated it... It made him feel gross... Dirty even...

"I want you, cutie~" The older monster didn't even give the young teen sometime to respond, as he pressed his lips to the youngers.

The dark boned skeleton whimper loudly as he tried to pull away, not liking how rough the other one was being. Yet, no matter what, he couldn't escape!

The bright monster had trapped the younger one to the wall and was being held captive with the older ones lips. 

"No! Stop!" The young teen shouted, shoving the other away from him. "Don't touch me, you pervert!" He screamed, still no one was up that early... So no one heard them. 

The child took the perverted monster's shock to his advantage as he ran away. He never made it far as he was tackled to the ground, being held there by the same monster. 

"So stubborn... I want to see how long that lasts." He hissed, quickly removing the child's pants and boxers.

"No! Stop! I don't want this! Stop!" The child screamed, tears pouring down his face like waterfalls. "S-St-AAHH!" 

The pain that the child felt... It was like nothing he had ever seen nor experienced! 

It felt like someone was trying to pull him in two! Stabbing him slowly, but with enough force to cause the pain to be great! 

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