The Last Person pt2

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Freshy and Jam had been together for almost a year. Things weren't awkward as one would assume, having them being alone for so long... No, it was... Peaceful really.

For the first few months, all they did was really talk. They talked while they hunted, which was always in hushed tones. They talked while tending to the plants, even when they were talking showers! Though before you sinful minds think they were in the same room, no, they just talked over the running water.

The next couple of months was just basic, cute things. Jam would occasionally give the younger a peck on the cheek or head as a way to show his gratitude or happiness. They would cuddle during old movies, they slept in the same bed as well since they felt the most comfortable that way.

After that, things didn't really change much. Jam and Freshy could shower, bathe, and change their clothes without really worrying about the other seeing them naked. They were completely fine with each other's presence that when the dark skeleton went on long hunts alone, leaving the parasite to take care of the house, it felt... Cold, lonely, and empty...

Now, though, they were doing things that basic couples would do, but with the "friend" label on it, which neither of them minded... Yet.

"Freshy, can you check to see if we have any ripe tomatoes?" The tall, ink skeleton called out, his focus on cutting up some smoked meat.

"Okay!" The teen answered swiftly, already half out the door.

The adult chuckled to himself as he continued to prep the night's dinner. His mind kept going back to them... Back to how cute their smile was, their enchanting laugh... They way their soft bones felt against his, and oh how innocent they were!

Jam bit his lip as his thoughts became darker, his thoughts turning to places he should've left behind when he believed he was the last living monster. Yet, it was surfacing again... And strong...

Taking a deep breath, he forced those thoughts out of his mind. No one else was living, they were the only ones, so he didn't need to have those thoughts...

"Got them, Jammy!" The young teenager chirped, giggling happily.

The twenty-four year old smiled at the sixteen-year old, laughing quietly to himself.

"Thanks, why don't we have a movie night? You go out and pick a movie, I'll get dinner ready." The young adult's eyes smiled at the younger, love forming inside of them.

"Okay! I'll go to the Jennings's, I'll be back before the dark hour." Freshy giggled, grabbing the small portable flashlight. The flashlight was so he could see in the Jennings house, as it was starting to get dark outside.

"Alright, if you're not back by the time I'm done making dinner, then I'm coming after you." Jam warmed, working on the food.

The parasite rolled his eyes as he hurried out of the house. He didn't want to make his best friend wait, so he would try and be quick about finding a movie to watch.

Upon entering the small cottage house, he instantly looked into the movie cabinet. He glanced at the movies on the top shelf, but quickly dismissed the idea of picking one of those. Those movies were for some sort of horny girl, most likely the woman of the house.

The innocent monster shook off the feeling, looking at all the other movies. Deciding to pick something funny, he went to one of the old comedies, easily picking a random one.

Raising the torch, he looked towards the door, expecting it to be empty... But someone was there... And it wasn't Paperjam.

True fear settled deep into the teen's soul. Yes, seeing that there's more people living after whatever had happened is thrilling! It's just... The goat monster held this look... A look that frightened him...

"H-Hello..." Freshy whispered, stomach twisting into knots. He knew if he screamed, Jam would hear him with ease, but he was scared... What if the older skeleton reacted too harshly, or maybe they were just surprised to see that someone else was alive as well...

"Hello~" They purred, stalking towards the terrified adolescent.

With every step that the other monster took, the pale skeleton took one more. Then, he was up against a wall, the strong goat monster having his arms up to pin the parasite to the wall with no escape.

"What a cutie~ I'm glad I lived to see something as adorable as you~" The creature groaned out, getting uncomfortably close to Freshy's face.

The smaller whimpered, closing his eyes as he pulled back. Fear was heavily surrounding him. He didn't like what the other was trying to do.

"S-Stop." He murmured, his voice breaking off at the end.

The brute laughed harshly, bringing one of his paw like hands to cup the defenseless one's chin. The juvenile flinched at the contact, it felt harsh and cruel, even though it was soft and gentle.

"Awe~ Don't be scared, I'm going to make you feel so good~" The perverted creature grunted out, grinding against the weaker monster.

"J-" The shout was instantly cut off as the taller shoved his slimy tongue down the sixteen-year old's throat.

This instigated a fight from the sinless monster. He started to thrash around, shoving against the brute's chest in hopes that the other would let him go. Still nothing.

His cold hands started sliding up the small's shirt, making him stop. His whimpers were loud in the silent house, loud like thunder.

Suddenly the disgusting being was ripped off him, tossed into the couch.

Nothing was said as Jam held onto the younger, letting him catch his breath, even letting his mind try to grasp what was happening.

Harshly, the older glared at the other monster, a very well known rage filling him. Without a second thought, he had Freshy bury his head into his neck, before he attacked.

The bones pierced the unfortunate monster's soul and body. Even if they had wanted to scream, wouldn't've been able to as a bone had slide through his throat.

Instantly they dusted, the pile of bones and dust were the only remains of the short fit, but Jam definitely wasn't going to be letting the smaller out of his sight any time soon now.

Walking over to the movie(carrying the younger, who held onto him tightly), the ink skeleton grabbed a handful of movies before leaving the house.

There was only silence as Jam closed the front door behind him. His tight grip on the young teen never loosened. 

"You're not leaving my sight again." The tall monster hissed, lightly putting the child on the couch.

He sighed quietly as he saw the pale magenta tinted tears still falling. The adult pulled the youngster close to him, his soul breaking at the sight of the vulnerable state the other was in.

"Sshh... Don't worry... I won't let anyone else hurt you... You don't need anyone else... Sshh..." Jam gently rocked the young teen, worry in his being. "Don't worry... It's over... I'm not leaving, I promise..."

Freshy closed his eyes, forcing himself not to relive that moment... That moment where he couldn't defend himself...

He whimpered softly, clinging to his friend. The taller promised not to leave him, he  said that he'd protect him...

"I-I be-believe you..." 

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