Project F.R.E.S.H.

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"Does it know what it is?" A voice called from the darkness that surrounded me.

"No. It just will do as programmed." Another voice answered.

They were human males. The first male is African-American, has a limp in the right leg because if a car accident. The second male was Russian but lived in England. Has no severe injury...

Soul colors: Dark yellow; vengeance and dark red; spite.

I didn't know where that came from, but I knew not to trust these people.

"Let's get it to see." Snapped a female voice.

She was the leader, or the one in charge so far.

"Yes, Ma'am." The dark yellow soul one did something, causing light to flood into my eyes.

I saw that I was right about the men and the woman looked to be Irish. She had dark red hair with bright blue eyes, pale skin following. She was seated in a wheel chair as she had no legs.

"You are a machine, K.A.M.O.E You are to take out any and all monsters of the planet by stealing their souls." The woman briefly explained.

I felt numb, it wasn't going to affect me anyway.

"What does my name stand for?" My voice was deep and bored, as if I had nothing to think about.

"Kill All Monsters on Earth. But K.A.M. shall be your name." The woman had nothing against telling me anything.

I shrugged, stepping down from the bed they had me on. Not needing further instructions, I followed a man dressed in a white lab coat. He started to explain that I was to go to a monster infested village and cleanse it. Afterwards I was to report back to them for extraction.

I didn't care, I felt nothing to it all. When I asked about it, the scientist said that it was because I was programmed to only kill. Meaning I wasn't to have any feelings and that I was to only store monster and/or human souls. Human souls if they are helping monsters survive.

Waking into a room alone, there were some clothes. A bland navy-blue shirt with some jeans along with it. There were some white socks and pale gray tennis shoes.

I looked at what I was wearing to see that I had on a blue hospital gown. The metal that made me look like one of those skeleton monsters were rather detailed to defiantly look like it. In fact, if I wasn't told and sure of it, I would have thought that the humans brain washed me.

Shaking my head, I pulled on the clothes. Once done they dropped me off at said village. It was colorful, and everyone talked weird. I had to first gain their trust. It was easy enough as I was killing one or two people a night after only a week of being there.

In a month the town was nothing but ash. I had adopted the way they dressed and spoke. I found it... Humorous really... Load and full of energy... Just like their souls.

"Your next target is only a few towns over. We'll extract you in the next month." The general answered my call sharply.

I felt a painful sting of something... I t made me want to yell and shout at the man... To destroy the houses that were around.

Ignoring it, I went to the next town. They were brightly colored too. They just didn't talk like me. It didn't matter as I took all their souls in little less than a month.

"Okay, we'll send a team there, right now." A couple of hours later, the team came.

At first, they had their guns on me since I didn't look or act the way I did before. I was in a bright, neon, rainbow jacket with a pair of orange shorts. I had a yellow-blue and red baseball cap on with sunglasses that said YO_LO. I was smiling and acting like I really did have a soul even though I clearly didn't. Not my own anyway.

"Wazzup, my bruhs? Don't ya recognize lil' ol' meh?" I said, my smile never wavering as I pulled down my new shades. "It's me, dawg."

They saw the soul in my eye and froze as if something was wrong. I could still see and do everything accordingly, so I don't see the problem.

They all gulped but lowered their guns. Thing was, I was done being their little play thing. Two months in the real world showed me that.

Monsters were kind people, they welcomed about everyone into their homes! Playfully battling each other! They only really attack or try to get LV is when you try to kill them!

But, humans and monsters need to go. They need to die out and realize who is the superior here. All I need to do was get in that base again.

It took one day. That's all it took for me to escape and kill everyone. No one would know as they were a secret, rogue project. No one would notice that I was a machine, not until they fought me.

Turns out my name wasn't K.A.M.O.E. but F.R.E.S.H. I like that name better... So that's my name, Fresh. 


For years I was living on the streets, freaking people out who dared tried to mess with me with my eye. Of course, I killed a few monsters and humans for their souls, but only because the ones that I had were dying to save my system.

I understood most human/monster emotion. The burning feeling of destruction is called anger while the burning sensation in your chest is normally happiness, or giddiness.

Today, I was out in the rain since I couldn't find any hotel or Inn. Passing an alley, I heard whimpering coming from a cardboard box.

I was curious at this as boxes don't make sounds unless something was possessing it. Yet, what type of ghost would want to possess a box?

"Hello?" I kneeled, looking inside.

There was a child! He was clearly a skeleton monster, but his bones were a dark black color, looking and acting like ink. His body clearly was unstable as the ink kept covering his eyes and messing with his sight.

"P-Please... I-it hurts..." He whimpered out as he curled more into himself. He resembled a small ink puddle as he shivered.

I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or from something the mortals call fear. Though, it was clear that he was in pain, the rain hurting him.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back!" I muttered quickly, getting up to go to a nearby store. If I was to help him, he needed something to cover with.

Thankfully they had some clothes in his size and a large umbrella. When I came back, I saw that he was more ink that bones.

I winced as I felt something called remorse. I handed him the dried clothes, which he literally slivered into. His form became a little more solid as I made the umbrella cover his little box.

I picked it up, causing him to squeak. It was... Adorable? Yeah, adorable.

"... I got to find some place for us to sleep then." I murmured, shifting the box to where I could carry it and the umbrella. The kid couldn't walk without getting wet, so I didn't want him to be in more pain than he already was in.

"Got a name kid?" I asked, looking down at him as I searched for anywhere to sleep dry.


Making this into a story, so hush all of you! I have like nearly 40 drafts!... Well thats my fault for making it mostly PaperFresh... Welp! Hope ya liked this!


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