I'm Here For Your Soul pt2

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I gave a small scream as I felt myself being tossed up in the air! Like what the frosting! You don't do that!

"Justin! What the frosting!" I called out as my loyal boyfriend caught me.

His bright, hazel eyes held a cheerful yellow color as he laughed.

"Sorry, it's just been awhile since I've seen my gorgeous boyfriend." His smile widen as I gave an embarrassed whine, burying my head in his chest. "So, what have you been doing while I was away?"

I gave out a yawn as fatigue swiftly weighed down on me. For the past three days, I've been running around the house to try and make sure that Fresh didn't ruin or break anything and get some of my clients works done.

"The usual." I mumbled, curling into his welcoming hold.

The human male chuckled as he gave my body a light squeeze.

Justin was my boyfriend of three years, he's more on the atheist side of religion, but I didn't really mind nor care. All I cared about was how sweet and gentle he was with me.

"How was work this time around?" I whispered, keeping my eyes closed as I listened to his heartbeat.

"Boring. Nothing really unique happened, though I thought of you every single day." The blond haired boy told, making me giggle.

"I've missed you too."

He only hummed in response as he laid me down on my soft, welcoming bed.

It was only then that I opened my eyes to look up at my handsome boyfriend. Yet, behind him, I saw Fresh glaring murderously at the human.

My soul lightly quickened, but I covered it up with a calm smile and a yawn.

"Love, can you snuggle me? I missed your touches." I gently whined.

The blue eyed male nodded, a chuckle coming from his lips as he careful moved me over and kicked off his shoes.

He held me close to his chest, his light breathing cool on skull. Then, we fell asleep together, like we always did when he came back home after a long trip.

When I woke up from the much needed sleep, I gave out a surprised yelp when the demon's face was so close to mine.

"Fresh, you jerk!" I whispered, glaring right at him.

He glared back as he stood up from his kneeled position.

"Who is he?" He growled, his dark eyes becoming even darker.

"None of your concern. Now leave me alone!" I continued to whisper, shoving the fiend away  from me so I could leave my room.

Fresh didn't like that as he grabbed my wrists and slammed me to my bed, straddling my waist with my arms pinned above me!

"You won't talk to me like that again! I can make your life a living hell if I so choose! I can make you go insane, you little bitch!" He roared, his humanish features disappearing as he entered his demonic state.

Surprisingly, I wasn't scared, I wasn't frightened. I simply slammed my leg right in the middle of his legs before sending him across the bed with my foot.

"Stop being a baby, you idiot. Justin's my boyfriend, and I don't care if you can make my life a living hell. Just go away." I waved my hand at him as though he was nothing to me.

I didn't wait for him to get up and yell at me some more, I went downstairs to see what my boyfriend was doing. Yet like usual, he wasn't there.

It was seven forty in the morning and he has to get to his work by seven fifty. I wasn't complaining, though I did wish I had some more time with him... He's been going on a lot of business trips lately, having to stay late at work and sometimes he had family problems... I really just wanted to spend some more time with him.

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