This Is Why pt2

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Guess I'll be switching POV's at random... Eh, Here's Fresh's.

Slowly I woke up with a small headache. I didn't have too much to drink last night, so I knew most of what happened... But when I was starting to talk with that skeleton again, I sort of blacked out...

Carefully, I shifted a bit, hearing a small whiny groan.

I looked down, something was in my arms... And not just anything, but that beautiful skeleton.

They still had their female eco-body summoned, but the magic now had dulled to a peaceful cyan color.

My eyes looked at them... At Paperjam. They were so beautiful, not just physically, but personality wise to...

Hard working, determined, kind, and funny... They were innocent too.

A smile worked its way up my face, a kind and gentle one. I never smiled like that before...

I'm a parasite... I shouldn't be able to feel things, Jammy should've been like all the others... Just some one night stand... Yet, they weren't... I felt something towards them oddly... We've only talked twice, the second time being last night...

I bit my lip.

Slowly, I placed a softly kiss on the smaller skeleton's head. They smiled... They smiled at me!

"Fresh..." Their voice was soft and delicate, they lightly nuzzling my arm that they were using like a pillow.

I laid my head above theirs, taking a small breath to calm myself. They were strong... And I think I love them...

I pulled PJ closer to me, I needed to have them closer to me... Just a little longer before I get them up.

Paperjam's POV

I yawned gently as I felt someone shake me. Was I over sleeping?

I turned towards the person that was shaking me, pressing my skull to their chest.

Why were they in my bed? Pally never gets in bed to wake me up...

"Jammy, I have to go to work." A husky voice whispered, the shaking turning into petting? No, caressing.

With a small whine, I opened my eyes, they looking up.

A magenta soul for an eye peered down at me, it was calm and peaceful.

"Fresh..." I mumbled, closing my eyes again, curling closer to him.

I was still too tired to get up. Plus, I don't think I want to get up...

He didn't say anything, just kept caressing the side of my skull.

I glanced up at him, seeing a small smile on his lips. He looked relaxed and peaceful... Like he didn't mind me making him late for his job.

"Job?" I murmured out loud, becoming confused on why that sounded familiar... My eyes widen as I pulled away from the parasite, my soul racing. "Sugar! I have to go to work today!" I cried as I sat up.

A soft laugh erupted from the monster next to me, wrapping his arms underneath my formed chest, which caused my cheeks to glow a very bright yellow.

"Don't worry, it's only four thirty. You have plenty of time before your work."

I shivered as I felt his breath on my neck, my head gently tilting back.

I looked up at him, feeling myself become more yellow as he looked down at me. It wasn't  a lustful look nor one that made me want to slap him... It was almost loving and there was a want for something, but it wasn't a lustful want.

I looked away from him, to which he kissed my neck, chuckling.

"Sorry that I had to wake you so early." He whispered against my ear, causing me to shiver. "I just didn't want you to think that I ditched you."

I nodded slowly, lightly biting my lip.

"I-I have to get up an-anyways... Work..." I shrugged lightly.

Fresh chuckled again, placing his chin on my shoulder. Why was he so calm about this!

"I'll drive you home then, my siren."

The way he called me that had me shivering.

He made a hum as his hands lightly ran down my formed stomach, only then did I realize that my magic was starting to glow brighter...Damnit, I was getting turned on...

"We have a few minutes before we need to leave~" He purred in my ear, making my breathe hitch.

I guess... it couldn't hurt...

Fresh's POV

After having some fun with Jammy again, we had gotten dressed and walked out the door.

I really wanted to know her... I wanted to know Jammy other than the temptress she is... I wanted to know her hobbies and interests... I wanted to know her.

I doubt she would want to know me though...

I looked at her through the side of my sunglasses, watching her sleep peacefully in my car. I wanted her to stay longer, but... But I had to take care of my company...

Sighing lowly, I focused back on the road. She had already told me her address, now all I had to do was memorize it... Then maybe I could...

I shook my head, that be stalking... Stalking isn't the best idea for right now...

Slowly, I pulled up to a small, quiet looking house that had at least two other cars in the driveway... Maybe friends or roommates? Both?

I shrugged it off, turning towards the sleeping skeleton besides me.

Actually... I don't know what they prefer... I've been calling Jammy a she just because they were able to summon and keep a female form...

I shook it off, gently reaching over and waking them.

"Jam-Jam." I whispered, getting a quiet groan. "Come on, little siren, we're at your house." I continued.

I felt her shiver lightly, her breath becoming hitched.

Slowly, she blinked her eyes open. When she looked up at my glasses, she made a small almost unnoticeable pout.

She then turned towards her house, taking note of the cars.

"Guess one of them brought my car back." She said mindlessly. She then turned to me, giving me a soft smile. "Maybe we can meet again and get to know each other..." A blush formed on her face, it being a very lovely shade of magenta.

I leaned close to her, gently pressing my mouth to hers.

"I would love that." I murmured, pulling away so we could look at each other.

Her blush worsened before she quickly pulled me back into a heated kiss. Damn, wasn't she a bit horny, I'm not complaining though~

I placed a hand on her waist, pulling her as close as the damn car would allow, feeling her shiver under my touch.

Quickly she pulled away again, panting with me.

"S-Sorry... I-I..." Her blush started changing to a more yellow color, to which I quiet enjoyed.

"Here's my number~" I purred lowly, handing her my written number. It was actually my personal business card that I only give to very high power clients or investors, so they could just call me instead of my assistant... But I will make an exception for her~

She looked it over, her blush dying some as slight confusion formed in her eyes.

She looked up at me and gave a curt nod, her blush returning to full speed.

I smirked lowly as she said a quick good bye and hurried out of my car and to her house.

I really hope she calls... I want to know her more than a one night stand... I really do.

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