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Skin as dark as black ink, yet a smile with teeth a white as crystal clear snow that could rival the sun's glow. Their hair was splashed with every natural color. 

Their arms were outstretched as a dress of light blue that faded darker flowed around their body. 

Their feet danced on lush, deep green grass. The flowers floating in the invisible breeze. 

The night sky, even with the moon and stars... They were nothing compared to the woman's eyes... Mismatched... But shining brighter than the any star. 

One was a golden yellow, flecks of green shone in them, giving them a copper feeling. The other one was a bright, glowing green with a rainbow of colors shining in them.  

A feeling of peace and happiness washed over all that viewed the painting... The innocence that the woman possessed as she danced in the dark of the night. It as if she was trying to make sure that all around her, was the same blissful peace in her world... 

Or at least that's what the writer thought as he stared at her. 

"Excuse me, sir... We're closing up the gallery..." A worker said nicely. 

"O-Oh... I'm sorry, guess I had gotten distracted." He mumbled sheepishly, taking one final look at the painting...

With that finally look, he left... But, it was as if the woman could sense his inability to think of a story... It was as if she was following him, whispering ideas and thoughts into his mind...

At his small home, he let those ideas and thoughts come forth. They filled his head, clouding and jumbling with each other... Yet that was what he needed.  

The jumbled ideas and thoughts were written down, one by one, sentence by sentence... Soon a story came along. A story of a painting... A story of how they could only move during the night... How they could only become living beings during the night... How they wished they could love one of the living so they may forever be free...

Surprisingly... the story was completed by early morning the next day... The quickest story... A story that was saddening... Though it held hope... Hope for a new beginning. 

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