Far Sights pt2

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PJ kept his unspoken promise.

Every time he was at the labs, he would visit. He would heal the other, talk with them and let them eat some of the food he stored in his bag. He was the only thing keeping the monster in check.

Slowly, the visits started to become closer together, almost where the creature saw the Earthling every day. With the more frequent visits, the monstrous being felt himself becoming... happier.

He was healed, feed more often, and he had gentle company. Company that understood his pain.

Sometimes, however, it's them that needs the help... The Earthing would be covered in scratches, bruises and have a broken bone or two that was always hidden. It would be they that needed a hug, or a soft cooing sound.

It was those days that the creature was a little more reluctant on letting the child go... Yet, he didn't want them to be hurt... If they got hurt because of him...

He didn't want to think about it.

A soft hand was placed on his cheek in a slow and calm manner. It snapped the taller being's attention towards the younger, the one who looked at him with concern.

He gave a gentle growl, lowering himself to them. Yes, he looked liked a skeleton, but he held more animalistic instincts and such things.

He cared for the young Earthling in ways his kind had never showed him, though... Where he only wanted to protect them...

PJ's frown formed into a kind and caring smile, his hands running over the other's skull with soft touches.

For a few moments the two just sat there, in the dim purple light which oddly enough was the only light Fresh's eyes could handle. They sat there in that peacefulness, basking in it with ease.

Then, Jam, wanting to have some fun, invoked a game of chase. Now, Fresh could easily catch the little one, but where was the fun in that?

Laughter and soft squeals fell from the child, they hoping and jumping around with childish joy as the larger skeleton followed them. Then, the being lunged forward and pinned the other down, lightly growling in victory.

Jam giggled and laughed, out of breath from all the running. Even though he lost, he felt fine... He had true fun and didn't feel scared at all...

Laughter fell from the Earthling, his cheeks lightly flushed, his mouth in a wide smile. He was just felt so happy... It was like nothing could ruin that moment... But nothing is fair in his life.

The large door that blocked the dark hallway, slid open with a gasp of a surprise.

The two skeletons looked towards who was there, and Fresh didn't like them... The caretakers.

The skeleton being hissed loudly, growling lowly in his throat as he position himself in front of the smaller being.

The two scientist's were shocked, their eyes wide with worry and fear.

"Mom? Dad?" The child whispered, sitting up.

"PJ, get away from that thing!" The pale skeleton mother hissed, her eyes wide with fear and concern.

Jam didn't move, too confused to really do so.

Error took a bold step forward, which forced him to take it back and duck as a glowing tentacle was shot at him.

Fresh picked the little one up and backed them into a dark corner of the room, having the child at the wall and he blocking their body from the other's view.

"You little parasite!" The black boned father roared, his mouth twisting into a scowl.

The parasite hissed, baring his teeth in protective anger.

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