Gaming World pt2

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"Jäinen shokki kevennys!" The ink skeleton shouted as a hot, blue frost lightening bolt burst from his palms to the enemy. (Icy shock lightening)

He huffed as he gained more EXP, something that had confused him for a bit until I explained it to him.

I gave a cheer as I hugged him tightly. He stared down at me with this unreadable expression, though I guess it could be confusion, since he said he doesn't remember much about what hugs are. Which was weird as most of the time, players just lose their memory of the game...

I giggled, still smiling at  him. Grabbing his hand, I lead him away from there. We were on a mission to grab somethings for a small fairy village that can't reach the higher places.

We walked around for a bit, battling random monsters and fighting off different creatures as well.

After the long day, I stretched as we got the Gems that we needed to buy some more armor and supplies. The fairies were really sweet and gave us extra for doing it so quickly while other players had died trying.

"Fairies aren't as bad as I thought..." The dark ink skeleton muttered, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

I giggled and nodded.

"Yup! They get a bad rap because of their possessive nature. They naturally are sweet, kind and motherly creatures, it's jus the dominate ones don't' like anyone messing with their mates and vise versa." I explained, hopping on a fallen log. "Plus us other players are using their magic for the wrong reasons, which isn't really a good idea." I winced at the thought.

Jam nodded, a sadden look to his face, making me lightly bump him.

"Hey, it's fine! Once someone wins the game, we won't have to deal with jerks for players until it's released!" I smiled brightly up at him, my eyes shining behind my glasses.

He gave me a sad smile, nodding. Was something wrong? I hoped not...

Frowning softly, we walked in silence. Neither one of us saying anything. It wasn't awkward, but the air was tense...

"This place looks good enough to camp." He murmured as we came to a small clearing.

I looked around, keeping us in the shadows. The clearings weren't always the best place to be for camping.

"I don't know... Clearings usual have you out in the opening..." I murmured, my eyes scanning the area.

He held a confused look as he too tried to see what I was trying to see. After a third sweep of my eyes, I saw it.

I pulled out my simple, tiny dagger and aimed it at my target.

With an easy motion of my wrist, the dagger flew into the other player's chest, dropping them out of the tree with a thud. His body stayed for a moment longer before disappearing within the ground.

I carefully left the safety of the forest to grab my small weapon. My eyes flew everywhere as my body stayed hunch, ready for a fight.

Just as I yanked the blade out of the ground, I was shoved into it.

I grunted as I rolled to the right, a spear in my place.

I jumped to my feet, my blade ready as I glanced over to where Jam was. He was in his own fight against four others. It made me wince as I remembered that he didn't know that many spells still.

I quickly ducked under the other players spear, they flying over me. I huffed as I swiftly turned back to them.

I glared at them as my hood fell over my eyes. I could still see them, but they couldn't see the dark lenses.

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