Wild Card

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Gambling wasn't something that everyone liked, but who was to say that it wasn't fun?

Fresh certainly thought it was fun as hell! He never once lost, all because he knew his odds. He also happened to be very good at lying and cheating. Very good at lying and cheating. 

"Hey, kid." The parasite murmured, lightly petting a short skeleton's head. "What'd you doing here?" The casino normally doesn't allow children to come in...

"Mommy says that I have to find someone..." The child leaned into the hand of the stranger.

"Really? What's their name, I might be able to help you." 

The kid opened the mouth, when Nightmare, another gambler came up to them.

"Come on, parasite. The game's about to begin." He hissed, glaring at the kid, who shrunk back.

"Sure, homie. Why don't you come with me, kiddo? I'll help ya find whoever later." Fresh held out his hand for the kid to take.

They took it, smiling happily. They skipped along with the parasite as he and Nightmare went over to the table. 

It was only Nightmare, Fresh, Horror and Killer. Killer only gambles in hopes of NM finally noticing his pathetic existence.

The parasite pulled up an extra chair for the kid, so he could sit comfortably. Once everyone was settled, the gooey monster placed a stack of cards in front of the kid.

"Shuffle." Was all the brute even said.

The kid picked up the cards and... Shuffled! The child knew how to shuffle alright! Heck, he was even able to give everyone the exact amount of cards they needed!

"Daddy and Mommy sometimes bring friends over to play this game." The kid simply explained, showing a childish smile. 

"So cute." The crying skeleton muttered, lightly petting the short monster on the head. 

"Hehe..." The kid just giggled, blushing lightly.

"Alright, let's go."

The game lasted for a while. Of course the dealer was always changed, and no one won, but Fresh! So it was like an all around game of fun. A few times though, the parasite had to stop the kid from wondering away as he was a bit bored until he gave the small monster his phone to play on. Seriously! The drawing app kept the little guy busy for the whole time the gang was playing!

"Okay, now who was your mom trying to get you to find?" The parasite tenderly took his phone back as to not get any whining from the kid. 

"Daddy called him a no good gambler. Mommy said that his name was Fresco... I-I think..." The kid looked down, muttering to himself. He really didn't want to give the wrong information... That would be bad!

"Fresco? Um... Is your Mom fluent in any other language?"

The kid looked up beaming, nodding quickly.

"Italian! She's really good at it!" 

The gambler chuckled, rolling his eyes a bit. 

"It means Fresh... You're looking for someone named Fresh, right?" 

The kid tapped his chin before nodding, swinging his legs softly. 

"Well, I'm the only monster here named Fresh... Who's your Mother and Father?" Fresh asked, picking up the kid. 

"Daddy's name is Ewwow. Mommy is called Kiki!" 

The young adult laughed a little. Yeah it was them. He knew only one person with that type of name and only person who would even be called Kiki. 

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you, little nephew."

The little kid gasped and wrapped his arms around the older monster's neck. 

"You're so cool! Why didn't Mommy and Daddy tell me of you!" The kid laughed out, their eyes gleaming. 

"Well, they think what I do is bad. Though the real question is, what's your name, little wild card?" The parasite chuckled, lightly rubbing the child's head. They were adorable as hell!

"Paperjam, Mr. Fresh!" Paperjam chirped, giggling lightly. 

"What a cute name for such a wild player." The 90's kid murmured, walking to his car. 

All the little one did was giggle. They liked their nickname... It was different... And... It did match them ever so slightly. 

"Now, let's go to my place and get something good to eat." 

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