Rapport pt2

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PJ groaned softy as his alarm went off. He hated getting up early, but he had a meeting with his boss. He hates meetings too.

Huffing softly, he got out of his bed and quickly got ready. After that, he fed and watered his tiny dog.

The tiny dog yipped and yapped happily. They jumped up and down as well.

The dark male laughed softly, petting the adorable fiend.

After the petting and making sure that the puppy knew where to go to the bathroom, the young agent left.

It took a bit to get to the office since the young male didn't own a car or vehicle and went by bus. He honestly didn't mind it though, he found it relaxing to be around somewhat normal people. Plus it was interesting to hear the quiet conversations going on.

It took roughly an hour to get to the large building, but it wasn't too bad as he was early. His meeting didn't start for another half hour too. That gave him enough time to organize his files and check on a few things.

Swiftly, most of the more unimportant files were done and filled out. By then, he had five minutes before he needed to be in his boss's office. Yet, he rather be early than late.

Softly, he knocked on the wooden door, waiting to be let in.

The door suddenly opened, PJ's old boss standing there. For once, her eyes looked fearful. She never was fearful. Never in his entire career with her, had he seen her look scared.

"In." She demanded in her usual tone of voice, the fear swiftly fading.

The young male was confused, but finally walked into his boss's office. His new boss was looking over a file, a file that the PJ recognized.

The young agent's heart drummed in his chest, his eyes were wide. They wouldn't make him interrogate that villain again, would they?

Finally, the boss looked up. Their eyes weren't their hard war like selves. They were terrified. They were mortified.

"PJ, sit down..." Even their strong voice was weak.

The dark haired male did as told, softly drumming his hands on his knees.

The two bosses looked at each other, neither one certain if they should be the one to speak.

Finally though, the overseer of the top secret prison spoke up.

"Something happened at the prison." Her tone was hard and serious, yet her eyes held pity and fear.

PJ sat up straighter, worry making my mouth twitch.

"What happened?" To Fresh, he wanted to finish. He couldn't though, he knew what type of monster that man was.

The woman's lips curved up into a grimace, her eyes completely giving in to the fear.

"Fresh killed twenty agents and had escaped." Her voice lowered to a whispered, as though simply mentioning the demon would make him appear.

The dark male's blood ran cold.

That was impossible. Fresh was in the most highly guarded, super advance prison. There was no way that he could've gotten out!

"H-How?" The young agent's voice cracked before he glared. "No. That's impossible. That prison is built like a fortress, he couldn't have gotten out." He snapped with a growl.

The woman made a face, the fear never changing.

"He did." Her voice didn't waver, her eyes were firm. "He found a passageway that lead to the agents' sleeping quarters and snuck out using a senor's pass."

PJ's eyes widen. He told Fresh about a time he snuck into the back of bank by doing that... He didn't kill anyone, nor did he take any money, at least not a lot. So, why? Why did that bastard use that story?

The woman then handed her old agent a new file that had Fresh's name on it.

"Look inside. It'll explain why I'm here." She whispered softly, the pity in her eyes growing.

The young agent grew worried, but he looked inside, his curiosity just wouldn't let him leave it.

Inside were written papers in many different languages, the translations were off to the side. It all was just obsessing over him. How he wanted to touch him and feel his skin and hair. It held plans on how he was going to find him, how he was going to kidnap him. It held every thought he wanted to do to the agent.

PJ felt sick to his stomach, his grip on the new file tightening. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think.

The two senor agents nodded, the woman took the file from him.

"We were going to place you in Witness Protection." She said, trying to regain some form of control. "Yet, we need to recapture him."

The dark skinned male looked up at them, confused for a second before glaring at them slightly.

"You want to use me as bait."

They nodded.

"He's a dangerous monster that needs to be taken back into custody." The woman said softly.

"And you'll be in no real danger. You'll have agents picking up and driving you to wherever you need." The other overseer swiftly explained, glaring a bit at their female counterpart.

She rolled her eyes, but nodded.

PJ looked down at the folder before at the old one. Fresh was a monster, a horrible one. That man was already hard to get the first time, who knows how hard it'll be this time around.

Finally, the naive agent nodded.

"Fine. As long as my family is safe too." His voice was made stern, glaring some.

The two bosses nodded, relaxing at the agreement.

An agreement that PJ quickly regretted.

He thought having some senor agents were protecting him things would be easier, but that just made things harder.

It didn't help that he started to feel watched. Not watched from his guards, but from something else... Something that felt sinister.


Fresh frowned as he watched his little agent be annoyed and surrounded by other agents. He didn't like how those idiots were trying to keep him away.

Suddenly a smile broke out on his face. Maybe his PJ was trying to make it a challenge, to truly see if he was willing to do whatever it took!

A chuckle broke next. Even if the naïve agent wasn't trying to do that, it didn't matter. There was nothing that those fools could do to protect him.

Absolutely nothing~

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