Feild Trip Chaos

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"Alright everyone!" Ink, the art teacher, shouted over everyone. The bus full of high schoolers went dead silent. "Whoever you're sitting next to is your partner for the field trip and when we go back to school!" 

Most of everyone groaned, because they were with someone they hate, that doesn't do their work, or it was a geek/nerd. Paperjam though, the son of the P.E. teacher, was rather happy. 

See, he had this huge crush on a rather colorful nerd. He just loved how the nerd was kind, clever, and always up for a challenge! It just so happened, that the two were sitting right next to each other. 

Fresh couldn't have the worse luck any monster could have! Yeah, the jock next to him was hot as hell, but he knew him! Ever since the beginning of Middle school, the guy had been giving him a hard time! 

PJ was known as the athletic, playboy, that had ever girl at his feet. And most, if not every, teacher has paired the two up! This always caused an up roar with the guy's fan girls! It also caused his jock friends to beat him the bloody pulp! 

"No whining!" Error, PJ's dad, shouted, his eyes glaring at everyone. 

No one dared stand up to him, for a good reason too! Error was known as a cruel teacher, forcing all his students to do rigorous exercises. He didn't seem to care if you had asthma, or if you had a broken bone! 

The only person to keep him under control was Ink, who made him into a big old softy! Specially if the white skeleton came in when he was about to bark some orders. Which usually saves a lot of kids. 

"Thanks, Ruru!" The colorful skeleton smiled happily, causing the more monotone skeleton to blush. 

"N-no problem, Kiki." 

About everyone rolled their eyes at the teachers' lovey doviness.

"Okay! Now that we know who our partners are, let's go!"

Everyone filed out of the bus with their partners. It was clear that most were uncomfortable with the person they were signed with. Though no one complained as it wouldn't end well for them. 

For a few hours, they just walked around the forest; taking notes and pictures with their phones. 

It was near the last hour of the trip, Fresh was looking  at the forest's map while PJ had his arm around him. The parasite let it go as he was more focused on where they were going. 

"Okay! Time to head back!" Ink yelled as they came to a river. That side of the forest was known to be dangerous, so it was understandable on why the adventurist artist wanted to head back. 

Before anyone could move, however, the ground gave way underneath the students! Everyone fell in, sliding down a large tunnel before being separated by smaller tunnels. 

Paperjam reacted quickly and grabbed Fresh, pulling him close to his chest. When the tunnel ended, the two were thrown in the air, before landing harshly on some flowers. Paperjam took most of the hit, though, so his shoulder blade was slightly cracked. 

"Ow." He groaned, siting up slowly, disoriented from the fall. 

"A-Are you okay?" Fresh asked, his eyes frantic as he searched for any injuries. 

"Nah, I'm-"

Pj was surprised when he suddenly was brought into a hug. His shirt was pulled down a bit, just enough for the nerd to see the cracked shoulder. The nerd gave an angry huff as he used some healing magic. 

"Don't lie to me. I don't know where we are, and I am not a strong person. So don't lie to me." Fresh hissed out. 

The jock pulled away from the person he thought had about no back bone. He didn't realize that he and the nerd were still so close, until he noticed that the his crush was blushing a bright blue color. 

"Thanks for healing me, Fresh. How will I ever repay you?" The dark skeleton asked with a flirty tone. 

The lighter skeleton blushed even more, making a pouting face and turning away. Paperjam chuckled, giving a small kiss on the other's cheek. 

Fresh blushed even more as he hid his face in his hands. The act causing the other to laugh! 

"Okay, okay. Lets try and find our way out." The jock reached his hands down to help his partner up. The still blushing skeleton took it and started to pull the stronger one to an area. 

It had a large hole in it, leading to a room with light and yellow flowers. The light was coming from a hole in the ceiling about fifty or so feet up. 

"How are we gonna get up there?" 

"We build a latter duh." The parasite rolled his eyes as he collected broken logs and sticks to help build a latter. 

The black boned skeleton just shrugged and helped with collecting the wood. When that was done, the explored the next room until they found some vines to tie the branches together. 

When they found enough of it, the two skeletons set onto work. It too most of the day, but they finished with the latter. 

"I'll hold it, and you go up. You're better at magic than me." Fresh reasoned as he knew that the latter would be very unstable if they both tried to get up at the some time. 

Paperjam nodded. It was true that he was better at magic than most of the students at school. It would also make some sense if he used his magic to lift the smaller one up. 

It took another half hour to get up there and to levitate Fresh, but the two were safe. It also turned out they were in a cave not too far from where the buses were. 

The two students raced over there as quickly as possible, seeing that everyone else were there. 

"Fresh? Paperjam?" The art teacher shouted over everyone, looking for the last two.

"We're here!" The jock waved his hand over everyone since he knew that Ink couldn't see them. 

"Alright! Since everyone's here, I want us to write about what had happened as a report. Okay, let's go!" 

Everyone sat with their partners, some clinging to them, others just talking about random stuff. Paperjam had his arm around his nerd as he slept soundlessly there. Well, at least it wasn't a boring field trip into the forest. 

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