Double Trouble pt3

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The day went by quickly, surprisingly, no one really acknowledged the small parasite... Maybe it was because he stayed away from areas that would've had the most people?

It didn't matter, as he now stood with the twins in front of a large Carnival.

They got in easily, the twins oddly having a lot more money than high-schoolers usually have... Or from what Fresh has anyhow.

Quickly, the twins pulled the parasite to try a small rollercoaster. Then a slightly bigger one, after that was a fun house and then  some bumper cars.

The two took turns on that one since only two people were allowed in one bumper car. Still, the smaller skeleton couldn't say he didn't have fun. He had to admit though, Cut would be a deadly driver if he could do what he did in that ring.

Once they were done with the bumper cars, PJ had suggested they get some food and win some prizes.

Cut agreed with ease, but the vote was down to their "friend".

Fresh blushed brightly as their eyes looked down at him, waiting for him to answer.

"W-Well... I-I do-don't mind... I-I've nev-never been to a-a carnival...  M-My answer doesn't matter." He rushed at the end, putting his hands up in a frantic way, as if to hope he wasn't upsetting them in anyway.

Cut and PJ frowned at this. They could tell that the smaller was getting more comfortable with them, but it wasn't comfortable enough to decide with them...

"Alright, Sugar... Why don't we get some Cotton Candy then?" The basketball player whispered, smiling softly.

The shy nerd slowly nodded, guessing that's what they wanted to see.

Both athletes frowned some more, almost... Disappointedly before shaking it off and taking one of the smaller's hands.

Fresh was becoming confused by them... Did they not want to see that? Why were they disappointed in him? Was it something he said? Or did?

Panic started to form in the smaller's gut... He didn't like the feeling it was giving him... He hated it so much!

The twins noticed the change in the smaller instantly, quickly guiding themselves away from the large crowds.

The three hid in between some unopened tents, the large skeletons using their dark, inky form to blend them into the shadows.

Cut and PJ both held one side of Fresh's cheeks, gently rubbing and lightly squishing his face together.

"Darling, it's alright, we're here..."

"Deep breathes, Sugar, deep breathes."

Their voices were calm and soothing... It was just what Fresh needed to calm down. He took a few deep breathes and focused on them... Focused on their voices...

Shakily, he raised his head to look at them, tears forming behind his sunglasses.

"Hey, hey... It's alright..." PJ gave a soft smile, gently stroking the little one's cheek.

"We're here, it's alright..." Cut whispered, also stroking the little one's other cheek.

The parasite couldn't help himself, he fell into their caresses and gentle touches. He hadn't felt those in so long... Not in the way they were doing it, or meaning it...

The twins felt the younger relax in their hands, his head subconsciously lowering into them. They even heard him give out a soft, almost pleased sigh... He was warming up to them... Good.

"Do you want to go on?" The darker twin asked, his voice sounding so sweet and nice...

Opening his eyes some, the nerd nodded. He wanted to continue, he really did... And maybe he could have some fun with these two before they left him... Before they hurt him...

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