New Home

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Me and Reaper waited for the perfect moment to strike. The unsuspecting human didn't know that we were watching... Silently waiting...

When the human sat down with the small tray of food, we bolted. My stained coat gave me away instantly, but that was the plan.

The human tried to guard their food from me, but forgot about Reaper, who easily swiped four fish sticks as the humans call them. Two for each of us.

Even still, I grabbed two more and dashed off with my pal. We made it back to our hidden den without anyone noticing us. Out in the small city, bad things can happen to cats like us... They would hit, kick and even kill one of us if we even go in their way!

We sat the food down and panted. The human knew better than to chase two well talented animals like us! Haha!

"Okay, you get one from me." He growled, pushing over one of the fish sticks. It was only fair after all, we always try to have an even amount of food no matter what!

After scarfing down the food, we went to lay in our beds when somehow the ground was no longer touching our paws!

I squirmed and hissed! Once I was about to claw whoever had me, a gentle hand scratched behind my ears... And did that feel good!

I relaxed instantly, purring loudly.

"Hehe... So adorable!" A voice squeaked. "Right, Geno?" The hand left my head, giving me a chance to see who was holding me.

It was a dark skinned human that had short, wild black hair. Their were some dark streaks of magenta, cyan and yellow, but nothing out of the ordinary really. Their eyes however... One was a shocking golden hazel color and the other was a bright blue eye...

Their lips were curved in the kindest smile that I had ever seen! I gaped at them for an entirety!

"Well... I guess they are pretty cute..." Another voice muttered, it was a bit hoarser than the kid's.

I turned to see who was holding Reaper. I snickered at him as the human was rubbing the black and white cats belly. The human had very, very pale skin, hell a ghost was tanner than them! They also wore a white jacket with a matching shirt underneath. They had on black basket ball shorts too. This human was about a few inches taller than the kid as I didn't have to look too far up to see them.

One of their eyes was coverer with an eye patch like a pirate. Geno's hair was a pale blonde that it was almost white, with some blue streaks. His one eye was cyan blue with flecks of red.

"Can we take them home?" The child's voice was filled with happiness and hope... though it made me and Reaper give each other worried looks.

The last time someone took us to their home, they had hurt us... They would beat us for being us...

"I..." Geno sighed, looking conflicted... "They can stay the night... And if they like to stay with us then they can..." The man nodded after that.

The child nuzzled his soft, warm cheek into the back of my matted fur. It... Oddly felt nice.

Their home wasn't that far away, but it was still secluded as they were near the edge of a town... It made me and the black cat next to me tense... We couldn't run too far without getting caught and we couldn't do anything about it.

The kid skipped to his room, me still in his arms. Gently, he placed me in a ring of pillow... Really soft pillows...

"I hope you like it... You seemed so sad out there..." his calming smile turned into a frown as he lightly petted my head. It was so loving and calming... I leaned into it, purring loudly. "I'm going to call you Fresh... You look like a Fresh..." The kid smiled quietly at the naming... Though it was my names so I wasn't complaining about anything.

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