Red Riding Hood

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Jammy was known as the traveler of the towns. He never stayed in one place for too long. People always wondered why... Though there are those rumors... Rumors people whisper while the red cloaked skeleton was away. 

It was said that when Jammy was younger, much younger, a kid maybe, he walked in a forest. Of course that was what he never had done before, not without his mother or father. 

It stated that he was visiting a friend that lived deep inside there. One that was half wolf, half human. Their name was Sprinkle, son of a werewolf named Blueberry and a hunter named Dust. 

During the walk, the young skeleton was approached by a young werewolf. The young werewolf was about two years older than Jammy, much stronger and taller. 

The young skeleton was too kind, so he offered some food to the new creature. Surprised, the young werewolf stayed with the other. 

The two monsters talked as Jammy went to his friend's home. Before entering the territory, the new creature left. 

After that day, Jammy visited the new werewolf, sharing some foods with him when he could. The two were best friends. Of course, the loveable skeleton still visited his other friends, just not as much as he used to. 

When Jammy became a teenager, was when things changed. His friends were all marrying one another, living wonderful lives. His family wasn't getting enough money, so he could no longer visit his last friend, as he had to help his family.

He rushed around delivering all the goods that were bought. Yet, it wasn't enough, he had to get his own job. 

The werewolf saw all of this. He grew angry at how his old friend had to do so much work, when they could be talking with him. When they could be having fun with him!

On the full moons, he would attack all that had hurt his friend. It grew to the point, it was no longer the full moon. 

Jammy knew it was him, so he tried to talk with his old friend. He tried to come and visit as often as he could, even asking to have certain days off.

None of this worked. Even though the red wearing skeleton visited three times a week, the werewolf wanted to have Jammy with him at all times. To talk and play with. To just enjoy each others company. 

Scared for the people he loved, he packed for what he needed. Then he ran away. He ran from town to town. Going further and further away from the home he grew up in. 

He does odd jobs just to make a living. Yet, he knows his friend follows. He knows his friend would never stop trying to find him. 

"But, he already has." A dark boned skeleton, wearing a dirty green hoodie muttered at the end of the tale. 

The tavern turned to the new comer. They hadn't even seen them enter!

"What do you mean? It's only a story for the children. Rumors!" The man laughed, yet it was a nervous one.

"Hehe," The laughter was slow, and sad. "I know that story well... The child forced to run to save his people... A child forced to run no matter what as he is followed by the big bad wolf... Yet, it's never enough... The wolf always finds me... He always sees me... I don't wear that old cape anymore... He has it... I stopped being a good boy when I realized that it won't get you no where."

The tavern was stilled at the soft spoken monster. Their voice was filled with sadness, as if they were remembering painful things. 

"W-what do you mean..." A goat monster whimpered. 

"I mean, I am Jammy, though people from my village called me PJ... Jammy was what Fresh called me... Though I would like to be called PJ again... I'd like to get away from all this torment."

"S-so the wolf-"

"There never was a werewolf... It was a metaphor... Fresh and Blue weren't evil people... Blue was just a petty robber. Fresh was the killer... He was the 'big bad wolf'... He killed people on the full moon because he was an alpha of a pack of wolves... It made it seem like a werewolf  did it... I just wished he wasn't like this... I used to love him, you know... I used to think of living with him in the forest..." 

"W-what a-about now?" A human wondered, his voice quivering. 

The dark skeleton glanced at him, then looked at his cup of rum. He raised it up in the air. as if toasting to something.

"To the fallen village of monsters... May their wondering souls rest." He gulped down his drink, calmly flipping it over and placing it back on the table. 

The beings froze. Fresh, the 'werewolf', killed an entire village of monster! He did that...

"Why?" The man who started the story whispered, his eyes wide. 

"Because he couldn't find me... He killed my friends... My neighbors... My family... He burned their ashes on the things they loved the most... When I went back to tell my mother... I found the charred buildings... I found evidence that he killed them... Even though he is no werewolf... He still is no angel... He is a demon with a heart made of coal... Only living to see me." 

Everyone was silent as PJ chuckled, no tears falling from his eyes.

"I now can be called a wolf... I trick... I steal... But I don't kill... I won't do what he does..." They stood up, their head down. "If you see a white skeleton with a soul in his eye... Tell him to come home... Tell him that I would be waiting..." They left without a sound, no notion that they were even there. 

Paperjam did what he said he would do... He left the town on a stolen horse and rode home. He knew Fresh would get what he meant. It would take him a few days to go to the tavern, so he had time. 

When he was to burnt town, he used the left over wood and made him his own house. He built every thing... He made everything. He waited the next days with love. He normally stays in one town for two days, then he'd dash. Now he could relax.

PJ truly did love Fresh. He loved how playful and kind he was. But... He could not forget what he had done... Though, he no longer had any more tears to shed. 

"Jammy!" The killer picked up the green cloaked skeleton, hugging them tightly. 

Said skeleton was limp. They no lingered cared if they ran... Who were they running for? Who were they trying to protect? 

"You killed my family, Fresh." His voice held sadness, his eyes that were once brightly colored, dulled to a forever blue-gray. 

"I know... I know... But we can have a new family. Just me and you, forever." Fresh smiled happily, his eye flaming. 

He loved Jammy. He loved him too much. He knew that, but he knew couldn't turn back after he killed the village. 

Paperjam nodded, still limp in the real monster's arms. He knew he'd never be the same. 

"I still love you... I just don't know if I should..." He muttered. 

His soul was forever bound to the monster holding him, yet it also mourns the death of his family. He knew Fresh would never hurt him, but he was not sure of others.

"You shouldn't, but I know you can't help it. We'll love each other forever, my red riding hood." 

Jammy gave a sadden laugh at the name. The name the towns folk had given him. 

"Yes, we will, my big bad wolf." 

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