Living World pt2

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I felt something gently caress my cheek, it being soft and slimy.

Slowly, I blinked my eyes open. I was still in the under ground, but I was now at a part where there was a lot of water and ice... And way more bones and dead animals.

The tentacles that held me, slowly shifted me to where I wasn't on my back, almost into a sitting position.

The colorful things squirmed around me, feeling my body in the skintight suit.

I frowned, lightly pushing them away.

"No touching like that... That feels weird..." I muttered, pulling my legs up at bit.

The large thing rewrapped itself around me, with a few others, to make a small bowl like thing. It was just big enough for me to spread myself eagle style and the sides were tall enough that I wouldn't risk rolling out of their hold, though I doubt that whatever had me was going to let that happen.

Gently placing my arms on the sides, I laid my head on it, bored.

A small cyan blue tentacle lightly nudged the side of my head. I turned towards it, only for it to lightly flick my nose!

"Hehe." A bright smile broke out on my face, giggles slipping passed my lips. "Boop!"

I lightly placed my finger on its end, it reeling back out of what I guess could be shock.

A louder giggled came from me.

Slowly a slightly bigger tentacle came up, lightly flicking my neck. This caused me to jump some, a laughing squeak falling from my lips.

"Nuu, not there! That tickles!" The laughter in my voice didn't die down, specially when the orangish thing did it again, this time a little more confident.

A laugh sprung from me, making me push it away.

"Nuu! Stop it!" I doubt my voice made it sound serious.

A few more tentacles came, all of them finding places to tickle me, which caused me to fall back on the soft bedding, laughing!

I couldn't stop it! I twisted and turned, wheezed and gasped, giggled and laughed, but the onslaught never stopped!

"P-Please! N-No more! I-I can't bre-breathe!" I cried out, gasping for air, the tears of laughter still rolling down my cheeks.

The slimy things finally stopped, pulling back some, allowing me air to breathe.

I took deep breaths, giggles and soft laughter still surrounding me.

Once I caught my breath, the fiends lightly placed themselves on top of me, rubbing my body in different areas. They weren't trying to tickle me like before, but I couldn't tell what they were trying to do. Though there ministrations were comforting.

I felt my body relax , my eyes closing softly. I felt a few of them spread me out a bit, almost like in an eagle form, but not quiet.

Slowly, I felt myself go to sleep, the tentacles being gentle and kind with me, something that I liked.

A soft yawn escaped my mouth, letting my body relax even more. I really wanted to get some more sleep.

Yet, before I could, something poke at my shoulder.

Looking towards it, a thin blue tentacle held a weird looking fruit... It was shaped kind of like a soul, with the middle being lightly cracked.

Sitting up, I slowly took it from the slimy thing, looking at the fruit... Was it a fruit?

"What is this?" I whispered, turning it over in my hand slowly.

The outer part of felt rough, but soft and sticky from some sort of sap. The color was a bit odd too, half of it being a bright green with the other half being a bright pink... And I could swear I felt it beating in my hands...

The tentacle that had brought the odd thing to me, gently pushed the fruit up to my mouth. This only confused me more.

"You want me to eat it?" I asked, pulling away from the fruit.

The only response was a thicker tentacle pushing my head back towards the fruit.

I shrugged slowly, still rather confused, but went with it. Maybe it was nothing.

I carefully bit into the fruit, instantly tasting sweet and sour mixings! They were perfectly blended though, I loved it!

I took another bite, being a little less carefully about it, the taste was good!

However, I didn't ignore the fact that the extra appendages of whatever had me were caressing my mid-section... like my belly...

Even though I was confused, I ignored it and continued eating the fruit. When I was done, the thin core of it become light sand particles.

I looked at them as they floated from my fingers downward to where I was going.

Very quickly, I felt tired... Can't blame myself, I did get tickled until I couldn't breathe and I had a full meal since I had gotten here...

I yawned softly, laying myself down on the rather comfortable bedding that the being made.

"I'm calling you Fresh..." I murmured, lightly curling into myself.

The tentacles started to rub me again, though they were more focused on my ecto belly... I hadn't even realized that I had summoned it...

Eh, it's probably nothing.

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