Incubus Hearts

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I sat at the bar, looking out at the sea of good looking mortals... I was hungry, meaning I had to get one to bed with me or else I would lose it... Not that I don't mind that actually... Just means I would force someone to bed with me.

My eyes landed on a really young looking skeleton monster. They wore a sweater that clearly was three sizes too big with a what I guessed was a bright colored scarf, the bar had flashing lights. They seemed to be looking for someone as they were pulling on people's shirts and saying something.

Once the person shook their head or mouthed no, the small being left. Now I was curious... How the hell did a kid get inside a bar? 

Quickly, I walked over to the small being. I kneeled down to them and tapped their shoulder. They jumped slightly and turned to look at me. 

I had to hold in a gasp as I stared in their eyes. One was a kind, gentle looking soul, the other being the paler version of a magenta color. It was breath takingly gorgeous!

"What'd ya doin' in here, little one?" I asked quickly, my eyes looking around for their parents.

"I-I'm looking f-for my f-friend... A-A mean m-man d-dragged h-him in here..." They whimpered, their eyes quickly filling with tears as they looked around. 

"Can ya tell me what he looked liked?" I questioned, I think I saw someone...

"T-They had a-a red g-glass eye w-with a-a line g-going down." The child made a motion with his hand, starting at the top of his skull to his right hip. 

"Come on, I know him." I easily picked up the whimpering child and quickly made my way to Raphael's dorm. 

He's the only Incubus that goes after children. It honestly disgusts me and all the others. Yeah, we have sex with people, but it's usually willingly and when they're at least teenagers! Not fucking elementary students!

I walked over to his dorm, quickly hearing shouting, a kid's shouting. I sighed and pounded on the door, setting the kid next to me. 

Rap quickly opened the door, his eyes looking pissed. Well, his night isn't going to get any better.

"Jam?" He questioned as I shoved passed him, holding the kid's hand as I walked into his dorm. "What the hell are you doing here!" He roared, glaring at me.

Ignoring him for a second, I told the kid to find their friend. I knew where the other one was, the room down the small hall, but it was enough space for me and him to have a... Talk...

"Why did you take the kid?" I mumbled, looking him dead in the eye. 

"Because he has a cute little ass and he's fucking sexy." He growled, like that was going to help him any. "Besides, I'm starving! A quick fuck can't do any harm."

I rubbed my eyes, getting really tired of this bullshit. This happens almost every other month... It's starting to get old...

"They're kids, Raphael. They'll be harmed. They'll be scared of everyone and thing, they wouldn't want to have sex of any kind. Meaning, we would be losing a steady stream of food." I growled, my eyes glowing with warning. 

He went to say something when he looked behind me. 

I glanced over to see the little cutie was hugging someone. They were a bit taller with one eye red with a red scar underneath and the other eye being a baby blue. They had black bones and was wearing a white shirt with a black and white scarf around his neck. They were cute, but not cute enough to rape.

"Leave the kids alone. This is your last warning." I growled, making sure to look him directly in his eyes. "Come on, little ones." I softened my voice for them as the little cutie and their friend hurried over to me. 

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