The Purge pt3

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The dark skinned male slowly woke up, his body feeling heavy and sore... Tired even.

Carefully, he opened his eyes to see someone sleeping next to him!

The small male gave a startled squeak and shoved himself away from the white skinned person.

The force of the push sent both of the men to the floor on the opposite sides of the bed, Fresh giving a quick gasp of a curse word.

"Paperjam, are you okay?" The kind man asked, jumping up to his feet with worried eyes.

The dark haired angel gave a sigh of relief as he flopped on the carpeted floor.

"I thought that was a dream." He called out gently, taking deep breaths to calm his beating heart.

"Hehe, nope. Hey, why don't we get something to eat?" The young adult asked, already making his way to the bedroom door.

"Yeah, I'll cook." PJ rolled himself up, almost skipping to keep you with his new found friend.

The two entered the kitchen with caution, making sure that no one was in there.

When it was all clear, Jam started to make a few chocolate chip pancakes.

"You still have food? I'm almost out at my base." The pink eyed man commented, getting a startled squeak from his little angel.

The killer had to bite the inside of his lip to stop himself from pinning the adorable, innocent creature to the counter. He knew that the younger wouldn't have liked that, nor was he ready for something like that.

Still, the soft squeaks of fright and shock were hard to resist!

"S-Sorry... F-Forgot yo-you were here... G-Guess I-I'm re-really us-use to li-living on m-my own..." The young male muttered, giving a friendly chuckle.

"How long have you been alone?" The guest asked slowly, he didn't want to cause any unnecessary break-downs. 

"W-Well... I-I think almost two years now... Me and my girlfriend broke up at that time and the house is under my name, so... Yeah... But... Before her, I was almost always alone really... I didn't go out much, since not many people really liked me..." The dark skinned human shrugged, his voice fading out some in hopes the last part would be unheard, but no such luck.

"Who wouldn't like you? You're a nice, kind, innocent person, who is only trying to protect themselves against the world of misery." Fresh bit back harshly, well, not as harshly as he would've liked to. He didn't like the idea of his little angel feeling bad about something everyone else should be feeling bad about.

Paperjam gave a soft laugh, glancing back at his new friend with this sparkle in his eyes.

"Well, for most of High School, I was the biggest bully you could've ever had. You tick me off, you gave me the wrong type of stare, you spread a rumor about me, well... You might find your self in a hospital with several broken bones. I was the meanest person there ever was. My nickname back then was Papercut, or just Cut since I would cut people down a few pegs whenever I felt like it. But..." The young soul stopped, his eyes hard on the food. "But, I didn't want to be like that... I-I just had to... For all my years before High School, before I became the meanest and worst person to have ever lived, I was bullied... I was humiliated day in and day out, I was teased and pushed around like a rag doll... At school, I was a nobody that was an easy target... The kids there were mean and cruel, sometimes pushing me near suicide...

"I never did though... I tried once... But it hurt too much and I was scared... I was scared of meeting death, I was scared of what my family and the few friends I was able to make would've thought of me if I did that... So, for years until seventh grade, I kept my pain and misery to myself... I hid it away with stories and drawings that Mom and Dad thought were just a phase... But... In eighth, I just couldn't take it no more... I started to fight them... It made the punishments worse, but it felt good to fight them... I gave me this odd sense of control, of freedom... After a while I started landing hits, hard ones. Then one day, an old bully of mine came to help me. They started teaching me how to fight, how to really fight. They taught me everything that I know about fighting and shooting a gun."

The smaller male stopped, wiping away a stray tear. He shouldn't indulge in something that should've been forgotten years ago.

"Hey..." Fresh whispered, pulling the smaller into his chest. "It's going to be alright, I won't let anyone hurt you again... I promise..."

He didn't like his angel's past... He didn't like how his little Jammy had to learn to fight because he was being bullied, he didn't like how he was so close to killing himself. The monster isn't going to let the little one do that, he just won't... He will make sure that his little one won't have to fight again.

"Thanks, Mr. Fresh, but I don't think that's a promise you can make in a world like this." Jam laughed nimbly, turning back to the cooking pancake. "As long as you're with me, I think I can take a bit of pain."

His soft, gentle words, true to every soul and being, was what he shouldn't've said. It was what he shouldn't have ever even thought of.

"I promise you, I will try everything in my power to make sure you don't have to be in pain again." The man whispered, hugging the smaller one once more.

Paperjam only naïvely giggled and nodded, not thinking much of any of those words.

"Weird how we only saw each other once and we're already like this." He called out, laughter in his words as he let his body sink into the other's warmth and hold.

"Soulmates, maybe?" The creature of darkness commented, smiling down at his prize as the smaller only gave this dreamy, blissful smile.

"That sounds lovely... Very lovely..." He murmured, lightly closing his eyes as if to truly see the sight of a soulmate.

For a few more minutes, the two stood like that; Paperjam calmly in the arms of a true monster, of beast that should've been killed when it was born.

"Okay! Breakfast is ready!" He chirped, smiling up at his friend, his different eyes shining with this unforgiving glee and peace.

The older man chuckled softly, pulling away to let the other do as they pleased for the start of breakfast.

Once that was done, the two spent some part of the day just making sure no one came near the house nor got in the house. The other part of the day was spent getting to know each other, laughing, crying a bit, agreeing and seeing the truth behind each other... Or some part of it.

Too bad the naïve, young Paperjam couldn't see the lies and hidden truths in front of him before it was too late.

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