Cursed Doll

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A pale white skeleton huffed as he carried one of his large boxes in his arms, two glowing tentacles caring another heavy box that was taking both of their strength to hold the bigger box up the flight of stairs.

"You know," He grunted out as he paused to catch his breath, looking behind him at the more in shape monster. "this is funking bullship."

The second monster just rolled his single eye and chuckled.

"Well, maybe you should do something other than skateboarding." The monster teased, his four, sharp and gooey tentacles holding the bed frames and the box springs.

The more colorful of the two huffed in defeat, going back to trying to walk with an off set balance with the two boxes. His friend of course had no problem carrying three boxes in his arms with the additional weight of the frames and box springs on his back.

"Why don't you let your arms rest and I carry everything else up here?" The dripping skeleton held laughter in his voice as his 90's friend almost fell over from the most simplest breeze that a moth made! A freaking moth!

"Y-Yes, please..." The skeleton nodded, groaning with the effort of carrying the two simple sixty pound boxes.

Quickly, the first monster enter his room, which had its own study, there was even another door that lead up to the attic. The second monster's room was the Master's, and yet again he needed it more than the other as his room not only lead to its own study, but it also had a medium sized bar inside said study.

Neither one minded the room arrangements since the dark, tar covered skeleton worked mostly out of his office and on many occasions bring work home with him. The larger room was to give him more space to think and pace as it was a habit of his when he thought.

Besides, the smaller one liked smaller spaces when it came to thinking and being inspired. To him, it was only a matter of time before you get struck with inspiration! Plus, he usually would be out and about, working in the workshop. You see, the colorful monster was well known around the coastal regions for making well crafted furniture as well as fixing and repairing appliances, toys, and most other things, despite that he was rather weak in physical strength.

"Fresh! The landowners are here!" Came the brute's shout from the first floor of the two story big house.

Swiftly, Fresh forced himself to rise from the dusty and dirty floor to greet the two kind elders.

He put on a smile for the two people, his soul swelling at the fact it was these two kind monster that had saved not only him, but his friend from working out of their cars.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Universe." The young man held out his hand for the formal couple to shake.

The short, pale artist giggled at the politeness of the young sprite, pulling him into a warm, grandmotherly hug.

"Oh, Sweetheart, call us Ink and Error! It's the least you two can do for living in such a large house!" The once famous artist called out, letting the 90's monster go.

"O-Of course, Ink... Thank you guys again for giving us the house, we'll make sure to keep up with the rent." The slightly flustered monster nodded.

"It's such a big place, and if you don't mind me asking, how come you guys never filled it with any children? You would've been such wonderful parents." Nightmare told, keeping his tone light and calm.

The artist's face fell a little, the spark in their eye lights fading into what the two could only call was fear. The old CEO of some dead company paled a little too before clearing his throat, regaining his composer.

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