Dance is On!

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Fresh sighed. There was nothing new at the bar. Everything was the same as it was the last few years. He was wondering if he could just see if there was even a shred of talent left. All the talented monsters were sent away to his dance company years ago.

"Okay! Tonight we got a new comer! Please give the guy some love!" Grillbz shouted as he made a spotlight in the middle of the room.

The fire element turned on some sort of french sounding music dub on. Now this was something to get interseted in.

Fresh made his way to the front, seeing a dark, ink skeleton dancing to the music. It seemed as though it wasn't a dance, as the skeleton moved to fluidly. It was as if he had played the song over and over, dancing the same moves over and over.

Not Papyrus or Dance were able to get this good, no matter how many years of practice and talent they had! The kid just went with the music, going with the beat. It was as if he made the song.

The deeper the music went, the more fluid the monster danced. It seemed as though they were unfazed at the people staring at them. As if they were made for the spotlight.

They spun near Fresh, winking at them with colroful eyes, before going back in the middle. The song had ended and the colorful parasite hadn't noticed! The kid needed to be on his side!

Every monster was clapping as the strange skeleton gave a bow. They were actually blushing at the praise! They were humble.

"Hey kid! You danced pretty well. Names Fresh, I-"

"No thank you. I'm good where I am at sir." The kid smiled happily as if not minding that he was losing the opportunity to become a world famous dancer! "Besides, you just got to see the beat!"

The next song started to play and the kid smiled happily. He joined the crowd of dancers. They all let him have his own space as he danced to it. They respected him as a good dancer. And Fresh can see that... Though what else does the kid do?

I'm now going to let this be filled with songs that I'm listening to while writing this... I hate you, Goddess of Inspiration!

This one was the actual reason for me making this one... Damn it you wonderful songs! Now I'm not going to end this! Welp got to copy this.


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