Bad Love

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Okay, so my writing schedule is already bad, but it's getting worse. The effect of me moving(I think I told you guys that) had forced me to take the public bus back home with my mom's boyfriend. So, while I get out at two, we get home around four. So, sorry if things seem to be moving more slowly... Also, cringy lemon on ahead! You have been warned!

Fresh stretched a bit as he sat up in his small, twin sized bed. He still felt tired, but he just ignored that as he got up to get ready for the day.

If he remembered correctly, his twin was coming over for the month to "try and clean up his act".

Yeah, like that was really going to happen. The kinder parasite bet within half that time, the other parasite would be back to smoin' and robbin' any poor soul he finds. He's honestly surprised that the darker twin was even aloud out of prison from all the times he was sent back there!

Sighing softly, he heard a quiet ding from his iPhone. Picking the old phone up, he saw it was a text from the one person that could turn his whole day around. 

Chuckling, he quickly responded before going out to pull on his shoes. He had to get his brother at the airport.

"Hey, broski! How's it fucking been?" The red-black parasite shouted, giving his adopted older brother a hug.

The glitch groaned in annoyance as he shoved the more deceitful of the two twins away from him. The monster could only glare at the bastard, hatred burning deep in his eyes. He wouldn't trust that pest with a single strip of paper, so there was no way in hell he was letting the bitch get close to him!

"What the heck are you doing here, pest?" The dark boned skeleton hissed, malice flowing with each word.

"What? Can't I visit my older bro?" The dark parasite gave a fake, innocent pout.

"Daddy? Who's that?" A soft, caring voice called out.

Fresh, his twin and the older brother turned to look at the glitch's youngest and most breathing-taking child.

The young monster's bones weren't a pure black like their father's, but it was an ink black color, that at the fingers became magenta and yellow. A part of the kid's skull floated away some, forming soft blobs of ink in the air. The most charming about the young monster though, was their eyes. The void of their eyes was a deep magenta color with their right eye being a golden yellow circle with the left being a sky blue circle that had a pale orange rhombus enclosing it.

Unfresh gave a low whistle as his sinful eyes scanned the sixteen-year-old's petite body.

"Ya think it, ya gonna be beaten it." The alpha twin warned in a hushed voice as he clapped his brother's shoulder. "This here is meh twin, home slice! His names Unfresh, the unradical twin of us."

The teen giggled softly, smiling brightly at their friend, nodding. They didn't really care for Unfresh, or his lewd thoughts, they just wanted to talk with their old time friend.

"Mr. Fresh, are you still coming over for Friday? I have some movies we can watch!" The young thing chirped.

The colorful parasite nodded, his smile softening into a more natural one.

"Of course, brah! I wouldn't cancel on ya!"

Paperjam nodded as they felt their soul skip a beat. They really felt connected with the older male, they just couldn't help it... He was just so kind and understanding, thoughtful even... Fresh was just the best!

The week passed without too many hitches, just the usual tug-a-war with the twins, the visiting the smaller, and Fresh occasionally disappearing after locking his brother inside the house.

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