I'm Here For Your Soul pt4

178 12 6

I laid in my bed, Justin having left hours ago... I should have been sleeping, but... I felt so disgusting...

Tears brimmed my eyes and without meaning to... I started to cry...

I don't know why I felt this way! Last night was one of the best nights I ever had with him! He was back to his old self! He was being so kind and sweet to me, giving me gifts and sweets, complimenting me even! He was asking how my day went and didn't make it all about him! Yet... I couldn't stop thinking about what we did when we got home...

A horrible sob broke through my throat, my arms wrapping around my still naked body. God, why did his hands feel so vile against my bones?

Suddenly, I felt gentle hands on my shoulders, causing me to jolt away from them. I thought it was Justin for a second, and I felt so scared... What would he think if he saw me crying?

But... It was Fresh... He looked hurt and angry...

"Jammy." He muttered, he gently placing his hand on me again. "What did he do?"

I whimpered softly, closing my eyes as I curled a bit.

I gave my damn consent... I agreed to it! But... I hated how it felt... I hated how his touch was!

"I-I agreed... I-I wanted it... Bu-But..." I choked on my words, closing my eyes tighter... Why was his touch like that?

My body was lifted off the bed and to a warm chest... A chest I knew well...


"Sshh... Don't worry, I'll clean you. No funny business."

I sniffled, looking up at him, but his eyes weren't on me. I felt a bit hurt by that, but... I could only relax into his hold and trust his words...

"PJ? Why are you still asleep?" An annoyed voice called, sounding angry.

I groaned softly, blinking my eyes open.

Slowly, I push myself up, looking towards Justin. He seemed angry... Very angry...

"W-What happened at work?" I asked immediately.

The blue eyed human rolled his eyes and glared more.

"Just get up and make dinner, I'm having some friends over." He then left.

I bit my bottom lip and swung my legs over my bed. He was back to being mean again... Worse it seems...

I looked down at myself to see that I was wearing a soft tanktop along with some shorts. The shorts weren't short-short either... They ended at my knees, so... They were nice. And the tanktop didn't show anything too much than the top of my clavicle and shoulders.

I smiled a bit to myself... Fresh dressed me in this...

I then noticed that the bed sheets were changed as well. He did that too... I smiled a bit more, a soft blush forming on my cheeks.

"Paperjam!" Justin's yell made me yelp, jumping slightly, but I obeyed it and went to see him.

He didn't say anything and just continued to watch TV, only having enough energy to motion for me to go to the kitchen.

I felt a little angry at that... Okay, more than that, but still! This jerk was so nice and loving yesterday! Then we have sex and he's a mean!

I shook my head, taking a quiet breath. It probably was just a long day at work... Or maybe someone had upset him on the way here...

Ignoring all of the bad stuff, I worked on making dinner. I guess I slept really long... Or maybe Fresh kept me asleep... He had admitted to doing that before.

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